Arrr, even though Pirates love to plunder villages and ships, there’s a line that we don’t cross. While we do steal the booty and coin, we try not to steal ideas from people who’ve worked hard at ‘em and wish ta profit off ‘em. O ‘course, while piratin’ is a huge thing on tha internet now, it don’t mean that those pirates try to copy the game and pass it off as their own. However, that’s a whole different issue, which needs gentler touch than a Pirate’s. There’s a point to this ramblin’ openin’ though, and that point lies in Lep’s World 2 Plus.
The Gameplay gets Iffy
The thing about platformers is that they have their own standard tropes and a lot of them come from the Mario Games. However, over time, the tropes started to change along with the games, so sometimes homage is necessary. It’s a nice throwback to older times, and retro gameplay always has a place in the hearts of even the most casual gamers. Lep’s World 2 Plus might be taking a little bit of liberty with the word “homage”. You see, the first levels of Super Mario always had a familiar feel to it, and at the same time, the platforming action has been a blueprint.
This game seems to have lifted the whole level from the original game and gave it an iOS coat of paint. This is unfortunate as the game really seems like somewhat of a rip-off. Now even with such a negative, the game does have a semblance of worth as it does change it up with the enemies – a host of them not seen in the old Super Mario games it emulated or any other platformer for that matter. It also mixes it up with some hidden goodies and bonuses. The game is fluid, easy to learn, and can be quite addictive – especially for the generation that never experienced maneuvering a little Italian across a variety of worlds just to save the princess.
The Graphics of Lep’s little World
Leprechauns are naturally green, and usually, the worlds they inhabit are filled with rainbows and sunshine. Lep’s World does this very well, as the cartoon aesthetic of the environment really brings fantasy to the table. While it doesn’t look like the newest thing in the world, it still looks pretty.
The animations are also well done, which lends itself a bit more to an immersive game experience. The Irish styled music is also a nice touch by the developer, and it brings Lep’s World to life in more ways than one.
The Verdict
Lep’s journey bears a lot of the same tropes the original Mario had, which really feels like it plundered a little bit too much from their chest. However, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and the game has a couple of million downloads under its belt, so there are some redeeming factors about the game that might just interest you in playing it a little more. Pick it up now, as it just hit free on the App Store. You don’t argue with success, which is exactly the case here – you don’t always have to reinvent the wheel!