Ahoy there me mateys! Yer favorite app pirate is ready to take you on another adventure around the seven seas. The crew and I are getting ready to dive down Davey Jones’ locker. But before that, we’ll take our breakfast first so we have the energy for booty hunting. Today, we’re having bread and milk. This old salt baked the bread, and of course, it’s yummy. The buckos can’t get enough of it. Even before me hopped on the ship, I was already into baking, so I was able to use that here when we want bread or something baked. Besides being a pirate, me also dreamed of opening me own bakery, just like the one in the game called Meow Bakery by Supercent. Lend me yer ears me hearties and let me tell ye more about it.
It’s free with super cute graphics

It’s another free game option for those who prefer to play without spending real money. However, of course, spending real money can speed up the game as you can unlock or buy more quickly. But if you are patient or you’re playing to pass time, and you don’t mind playing your way forward, then you don’t have to spend real cash. It also has superb graphics, which you will love, especially if you are into cute things. It’s clean and eye-catching. It has various colors, but they are subtle, so they are not too chaotic to look at. Everything is lovable from the characters to the bakery items.
It’s a restaurant management and puzzle game in one

In this game, you will not just be managing a bakery, but you will also play puzzle games to get more ingredients. You will not feel bored because of its variety. There is also a guide that will help you familiarize yourself with the game, which is easy to follow. So, you’ll get the hang of it in no time.
It’s fun and there’s so much to unlock
If you love puzzle and management games, this is a fun game that to try. There are so many things to unlock, including adorable customers, recipes, and furniture. However, some of the furniture can be expensive. You get to upgrade and expand the bakery from an empty one to a bigger and more attractive space.
There are some glitches
Unfortunately, you may encounter some glitches. For instance, the ads that give you additional prizes don’t play at times or you don’t receive the prizes you should get. Speaking of ads, they do not pop-up while in the middle of the game, and they are optional to watch if you want to get added prizes.
The good
This app is free, fun, and it has adorable graphics. It’s also a combination of restaurant management and puzzle game in one app. There are so many things to unlock.
The bad
Glitches happen at times and some furniture can be expensive.
The verdict
Meow Bakery is recommended to those who love puzzle, and restaurant management games, and who are also into adorable graphic. There may be glitches at times, but they don’t happen all the time. It’s also free to download and watching the ads is optional.