Ahoy there me lads and lasses! This bucko is extra tired today, but I’m also extremely happy and satisfied. No, it’s not about our booty hunting adventure this time, but it’s something that me and the crew did in the good old Jolly Roger. It’s been a while since we did a general cleaning and re-decor of the ship. We decided to use this day for that, and with everyone hands on deck, we were able to accomplish our goal and the result was amazing! In case ye hearties don’t know yet, this old salt is also interested in interior designing. Although it’s a ship, we still wanted it to be presentable, and with our talent and skills, everything turned out to be stunning. If ye mateys are also into interior designing, ye will love this app review that we have. Batten down the hatches and let me tell ye about the game called Million Dollar Home Design by NStage.
It has phenomenal artwork

One of the things that make the game enjoyable is its artwork. It has gorgeous 3D images that are realistic, so it feels like you are designing a real home. There are various elements available, so you have plenty of options when it comes to decorating the spaces and coming up with the look you like. There are only three options per item, like for the floor, stairs, etc. But they are good enough, so it’s not really a red flag. You’ll get to decorate different homes, which is an exciting thing for home design enthusiasts. Besides designing homes, you’ll also play match 3 puzzle, as this is how you’ll earn the coins you’ll need for decorating homes. The puzzle game starts easy and gets more challenging as you level up, although they do not feel impossible to solve.
It’s free and the advertisements are not frustrating

This is a free game you can download and play. Although there are advertisements, you have the option to close them after a few seconds, or keep watching to earn rewards. You earn a decent amount of coins from the puzzle game and from watching the ads, so there’s really no need to spend real money on in-app purchases.
You can’t go back to your previous designs
Once done with designing a home and you’re working on a current one, there’s no option to go back and view the previous ones you did. It would be nice if there’s this option, so you can admire your work or show others your designs.
It has a story
Besides the designer and her assistant, you will meet different characters along the way. There are dialogues among them, so you are not just decorating a home, but it’s also like following a story. There’s the option to skip the conversations, but it adds substance to the game as it feels like you are actually talking with clients.
The ups
It’s free with non-intrusive advertisements. It’s enjoyable and it has stunning visuals that will make you want to play more. It also has a match 3 puzzle element.
The downs
You can’t go back or view the previous designs you made.
The verdict
We highly recommend Million Dollar Home Design to those who are into home decors or design games. It has gorgeous and realistic 3D graphics, with different homes you get to work on. There are different characters that have conversations, and it also has a match 3 puzzle side to it. It’s free to download and you will not be frustrated with the advertisements, as you can even earn rewards from watching them.