As a pirate, me choice in life was me own, but during the early days I was to be a scholar like me mother did try to teach me. Aye, I knew many stories, maps, arithmetic, and a range of different things that I needed to learn to become that thing me dear old momma wanted me to be. O’ course, I finished me book learning, but soon found that ridin’ on an important ship be the same as lightin’ a smoke signal to all pirates. A few decades later, and here I am, the App Pirate ready serve ye the latest reviews spanning almost all the apps I can get me grubby hands on. Me mummy don’t necessarily approve o’ this lifestyle, but she be old now, and needs care from me. This brings me to the point of this story, which is Monkey Preschool Lunchbox and how it teaches the young ones a little bit on basic lessons.
The Gameplay
For the first few minutes, this game truly perplexed me for it be so simple in controls. The little mascot, which be the titular monkey, seems to be pleased all the time unlike all the other monkeys I’ve smuggled across the Seven Seas. In fact, if ye do well enough, ye are also rewarded with a little sticker that ye can collect on the iPad. For a while, I pondered just what developer would make such a game, until I realized that I had been a fool and this was meant for the little children. This changed me perspective of the game, and made me realize that it is an excellent starting’ point for teaching. Thar be more than a few puzzles that teach your child common sense, like odd one out. At the same time, it does strive to exercise the little one’s brain in that it also has many memory games and puzzles that tend to stretch how they think.
The variety of puzzles are also uniquely timed and place because they are randomized. This ensures that a child is taught everything, while not forcing only one lesson at a time. This design factor is very clever because a shuffled list of games keeps the child alert. However, there also be a lack of a menu, and that means ye cannot choose the puzzle that is the most hard to yer child. It is both an factor in its favor and the thing that prevents the game from being flexible.
Along the way, yer child will also learn to develop these skills through fairly positive reinforcement. This is because of the little monkey that goes along for the ride who also remains there to teach yer child the basics of touch controls. If the kid is successful he or she is rewarded with a little smile or a hop from the monkey, but if he or she fails, the monkey shakes his head from left to right. At the same time, if the child succeeds enough in a row, they will be rewarded with a tiny little sticker that they can add on to their collection.
Is it for yer child?
This game is definitely a simple one to play, but that is why it works so well. The touch controls along with the easy to grasp puzzles make the game all the more attractive to children. From the game is laid out though, it would seem that the primary aimed age is around 3 years old, so toddlers are the best subjects. O’ course, buyin; this app doesn’t mean ye can just leave yer child to play while ye go off and do somethin’ else. Use this game to bond with yer kid, and soon ye’ll see that he or she can become one of the best corsairs alive!