Arrr! As a veteran pirate, I’ve seen me fair share of monsters while on the seven seas. I’ve seen the Kraken, a leviathan, a giant turtle, and even the face of ol’ Calypso herself. Aye, she can be an ugly monster if she wants to be. So, on the topic of monsters, this pirate be an expert. Putting up a pet shop full of monsters is something I’d have to think about. No pirate ever be raising critters… so I be unsure whether I like this Monster Pet Shop or not.
Monster Pet Shop is really nothing more than your average pet store simulator. NOT. Yeah, it isn’t you average pet simulator simply because instead of the usual cuddly animals we have all come to love, you will actually be raising, taking care of, and selling a slew of strange monsters and creatures. So, in truth, Beeline Interactive has put a nice, unique spin to a standard simulator genre.
The Game
Monster Pet Shop starts out by giving you a pet store. Somehow, you inherited it from someone. The store grabs up at you with a feeling of mystery. You later on find out that the pets you will be displaying and caring for are of the exotic kind. Wait, I think exotic is an understatement. Let’s just say that your store will be displaying all kinds of monsters with names you have never heard of before. Yup, that seems to be it in a nutshell.
Now, the game becomes interesting because of the large variety of monsters and creatures you encounter and raise. And it becomes even more interesting once you find out that each monster will have different needs, from the foods they eat and the way they are petted to the habitat they must live in and the toys they like to play with. Some creatures will need to live in water while others prefer living on earth and breathe air. Some of them will eat plants while others are more acquainted with meat. Yes, you get the picture.
So, your mission is basically to care for these monsters properly up until a customer goes into your store and takes them off your hands.
They Don’t Look Like Monsters
Yes, honestly, the so-called monsters you will be taking care of and selling don’t really look it. In fact, they look more like cute and cuddly creatures similar to what Disney, Pixar, and the like usually churn out in their animated films. If Beeline could throw in a bunch of nastier looking creatures in the mix, the name would actually be more apt.
Underdeveloped Elements
Raising creatures and monsters (if you can call them that) is something that many gamers like to dabble with. And this game gives off that vibe in a multi-tasking Tamagochi kind of way. However, I would have liked to see or rather experience more depth in the store element of the game. Remember, the game basically puts you as the manager of a pet store. It would have been nice if the element of making money was focused on more to motivate you to improve your inventory and develop your store even more. Unfortunately, that is what is lacking. All you can expect from this simulator is the cuteness of the creatures and the way you take care of them.
The Verdict
Monster Pet Shop is a good app. It isn’t great and that is because it lacks a few more dimensions, which can be found in other simulators in the same genre. The good thing is that the app is free to download and play and that it is readily available for both the iOS and Android systems. Oh and yes, if you like the Stitch-style of artwork, then this is another boon for you.

I just want to complain and voice how upset I am. I have had the Monster Pet Shop game for almost a year. At the very beginning when I first got the game, I bought an egg, the first egg I ever bought, and raised my blue and aqua stripey chuffle into adulthood. I loved Chuffles so much and he had real sentimental value. He was part of the reason I continued playing the game. I kept him in my featured monsters window. Today a character in the game offered me 7 times the amount I usually get paid per monster for the four monsters in my featured window. I had 10 minutes to make a decision. I couldn’t let go of Chuffles. I got another stripey chuffle egg, hatched it early, and tried to earn a bunch of candy corn at once so he could grow really fast and take place of Chuffles so I could keep him. I couldn’t and had no more berries to buy more. I sold my four monsters to him, believing that I would still be able to visit Chuffles, just like all the monsters that have been adopted. That didn’t happen. I am unable to visit Chuffles or any of the other 3 monsters that were adopted. I see no point in continuing to play the game and plan to delete it. I am also upset that I cannot find a proper place to post comments, complaints, or questions for Monster Pet Shop. I am hesitant to delete the game if there is still a chance that I might be able to see Chuffles again, but how can the people from Monster Pet Shop know my problem if there is no place to tell them about it? Honestly, Monster Pet Shop has completely disappointed me and I have no purpose to continue playing the game.
When I click to get berry bite for free by watching the video it tells me no more video try again later. I need to get berries so I can get candy corn to feed my monster to make him grow so I can sell him