Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen, lads! We be runnin’ out of time and I be three sheets to the wind already! Ye landlubbers hurry up now we ain’t got no time for doubloons! Good thing I got wit’ me My Alarm Clock app to to tell me when I be needing to give things the heave ho ‘round here in me ship! If ye got the stones to save time, then I be needing to tell you about this app! Arrrrr!!!!
The Alarm Clock of Alarm Clocks
Years ago, you would have to buy a stand-alone alarm clock if you wanted to have something to wake you up. That is a thing of the past. If you have an iOS device these days, you can simply download My Alarm Clock. It is in fact the alarm clock of alarm clocks as it has everything you would ever need. Surely, once you download this from the App Store, you wouldn’t want anything similar to it.
What the App Can Do
For its basic and primary purpose, My Alarm Clock is an amped-up version of an alarm clock. So you have your alarm sounds that come with the package in which you can adjust the volume, for starters.
You are also able to customize the alarm sounds according to the type of alarm you are setting. This is a great app for whatever you are doing that needs a courtesy reminder every once in a while.
If that wasn’t enough, you could also customize your alarm so that you will wake up to your own music from your iPod. Now THAT is a pleasant way to start the day! Don’t worry about the app having to be loaded for it to run. The great thing with My Alarm Clock is that it has background support. This means that your alarm will go off even if you closed the app.
Some of its Other Features
From the very first time you run the app, it will determine your location and give you a real-time report on what the weather is like in your area. That means besides having an awesome alarm clock, you also get a weather feature. Two for the price of one! Plus, you also have the option of choosing any location you wish to know the conditions of. If you don’t need the weather feature, you can simply shut it off.
If you are the type who has a hard time sleeping without the TV on, My Alarm Clock also has a white noise feature to help you go to sleep. Then if you wake up in the middle of the night for no reason, shake your device and this app doubles as a flashlight! How cool is that?
The app costs $.99, which is cheaper than any alarm clock you’ll be able to find in the thrift store. My Alarm Clock has superb features which makes this utility app worth every penny you’ll be spending for it. Hoist the anchor Lad!