
My Hospital Review

On February 12, 2017

My Hospital Icon

Ahoy there me mateys! It’s me again yer favorite app pirate bringing you another app review that me think will interest ye. What did ye want to be when ye were little? Ye might think that I’ve always wanted to become a pirate, aye? As a little lad, this old salt was also like any ordinary kid who wanted to be a doctor. This game called My Hospital, which is a simulation game by Cherrypick Games, reminded me of those days when I wanted to be a medical professional. Avast ye as we are about to start the review.

Excellent Graphics

My Hospital Review

The game is in 3D and the details are fantastic. It’s a huge area and there are so many things that you can build and customize, including the doctor’s office, laboratory, and the area where you grow the plants to use in making different cures. There are also several people, including the doctors and patients, just like in a real hospital, especially when you’re on a higher level, but they move swiftly. The ambulance that brings patients with more serious injuries or diseases looks great. It looks like a real ambulance with the lights and the sounds too.

Needs Some Getting Used To

My Hospital App

Since there are so many things that go on in this app, it also requires some getting used to. It may be challenging at first to find what you are looking for, but with some navigations and explorations, you will be familiar with everything in time. Plus, it has a tutorial, which is longer than the usual tutorials on simulation games, but it’s needed for players to learn how it’s played. Even with the tutorial, you may still feel lost at times, but as mentioned, everything will get better in the long run.

It Has Several Features

There are so many features that come with the game, giving you plenty of play time. It’s something that you can play for some period each day and go back to as building, making elixirs, curing patients, and others require time to be completed. However, the process, especially in the higher levels can be long. Plus, it also takes time to earn money so it also takes longer to buy the items that you need to buy.

The Good

This game is free to play and it has lots of content that will give you plenty of play time. It’s something that you can play for as little or as much as you like in a day. You build and customize your hospital, which is fun and interesting. The graphics are fantastic making it more enjoyable to play.

The Bad

There are advertisements and the time it takes to complete processes such as making elixirs or curing patients take longer on higher levels. It also takes time to earn money making it more difficult to buy the things you need.

The Verdict

If you love simulation games, My Hospital is an app that you may want to download. It has lots of features that will give you plenty of playing time. Some of the processes and earning money may take time, but you can casually go back and forth to check and see if they are available.

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