Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! Ahoy, there me lads and lasses. Here’s yer favorite app pirate ready to share with ye another app review. Aside from rum, me also love drinking coffee, and apart from parrot, this old salt is also fond of other pets like dogs and cats. That’s why me thought, why not review an app that has both. So, here it goes me hearties, we will have a review of the app called My Pet Village by PivotGames. Inc. Batten down the hatches and let’s begin.
Cute characters and graphics

One of the fantastic things about this app is that the developers did well with the graphics. Your eyes will be treated with adorable pets and different characters, including the main one, which is the person working in the café. The café and the village in whole are also equally attractive. The village may not have much content at first, since you will be the one to grow it, but you will see its potential right away.
Lots of content to unlock

You will not just be running a café, but you will also be responsible for growing a village, which means that the game is waiting for you to unlock more content. Unlike similar café management games where you will click the ingredients or the specific item ordered, you will need to do it differently on this game. You still need to order the ingredients and the machine to be used, so it’s more realistic as you will purchase everything you need and maintain a supply for your demand.
Adopting pets can be expensive
The first pet that you will have is a corgi dog and it will give you the story on how you will find it. The other pets are available for adoption when you reach a specific level and you need to use the money you earned from managing the café and from your rewards. However, some of them can be expensive. Pets can also be customized but their hair color is random so you don’t really get to choose.
It lags at times
There are times that the game lags when playing, and sometimes even when still starting to open the game. It can affect the game experience, especially when you are already into the game. It could be annoying if it kicks you out and you have to start allover again.
The ups
My Pet Village has adorable characters and graphics. It has several contents to unlock, giving you plenty of playing time. You can also customize your character, pets, village, and café.
The downs
There are times that game can lag, and adopting pets can be expensive too.
The verdict
My Pet Village has some drawbacks, but it has more positive sides such as its rich content and adorable graphics. Plus, it’s also free. So, if you are into café management and you love pets, this game is something to add on your list.