Ahoy there ye land lubber! Ye may be wonderin’ just why a pirate would review a game about partyin’ in a Disco. Well, the truth be that pirates also love ta party, though we only join clubs when Halloween is on the horizon. It be easier to explain tha smell o’ rum, gruff beards, and the uniform during that season; we’re sexy during All Hallows Eve after all! O’ course, a few o’ me men be lonely, and sometimes their minds wander to that distant disco we so often haunt. That’s why I scoured the near infinite booty chest that be called the app store for a game they’d love. This is how I blundered upon Nightclub Mayhem and its cute little games.
The Gameplay
Okay, there’s another title that should pop into your head when you play this game, and that game is Diner Dash. This game is another one of those stringent time management games, but instead of heavy complications, you can fall into a pattern instead. Some of your regulars often do the same actions over and over again, so strategy becomes a reality. Other than that though, Nightclub Mayhem bears a lot of similarities with Diner Dash. You can upgrade the club, increase menu items, mix up some thumpin’ music that to shut up even the most meticulous of customers.
Nightclub Mayhem allows you to manage up to 4 clubs in 4 of the hottest and liveliest cities in the world, namely Los Angeles, Miami, Hong Kong, and London (hmm… the latter is somewhat questionable for a party scene). However, managing is just half of it. As you go through the game, you will find yourself whipping out your hosting skills or turning up the music as you replace the sucky DJ. Remember, your objective is to have a hip and happening nightclub no matter what mayhem comes and goes.
The Nightclub and the Graphics
If you’re familiar with whatever Zynga is working on nowadays, along with the massive library they already hold, then you know what this game looks like. Of course, it isn’t produced by the titanic conglomerate, which is a relief because that means you won’t be exploited into giving more and more money. However, that’s beside the point, and the only similarity that should be in your head is the art style.
Featuring some pretty and colorful designs, the club looks like it’s a mix of the new with the Disco color of the 70’s. That’s actually part of the charm of the game, because coupling that with bubbly music results in an inoffensive game. My Jolly Roger doesn’t have any Nightclub in it, so i might be rusty the next game i jiggle me booty on shore, don’t ya laugh at me lads, i warn thee! Ahoy!
The Verdict
Polished gameplay and variation keeps this game alive, and if the sequel adds more meat to the gameplay, then that would be awesome. However, this is not to say that there isn’t a lot to do in this game; between all the orders, leading the tiny patrons to their stations, and mixing drinks and tunes, Nightclub Mayhem will keep you very busy. Unfortunately, while this game may be the bomb, this particular bomb has a bit of a hefty price tag as $3.99 on iTunes. The price is a bit of a drawback but it does ensure no in-game ads and you can pretty much bank on the fact that the game won’t force you to fork over real cash in-game just to move on.

1 Comment
Greetings Appspirate
Thanks for reviewing Nightclub Mayhem! Glad you had a great time with it 🙂