Arr, dirty scallywags be all around ye, and me as well. I remember this lesson well for the first mutiny I experienced it first hand when me and me first mate had a disagreement on whether or not we be watching’ the Dark Knight film. Needless to say, I spent a month’s time marooned on a lonely island while me first mate took the ship to watch twilight with his wench. Aye, it was a sad month, and I had to be saved by a lowly fishing boat. So now ye know why there be scallywags everywhere, and yer trust has to be put in good places. Which is probably Office Jerk can be such a fun game while being about jerks.
Everybody wants to be a Jerk Sometimes
There be many times when ye’ll have to deal with those jerks. Whether ye be sailin’ the seven seas, or ye be stuck in a simple office, trapped by yer four cubicle walls. There be jerks everywhere, but if ye ever wondered what it be like for a jerk, then Smart Phones have yer answer. In Office Jerk, ye be playing and angry man, for what reason? Who knows, his anger seems to know no bounds, especially when he acts like a jerk. Aye, but this is the point of living vicariously.
The premise of the game be simple, and in that, very pretty as well. All ye have to do is to annoy the Office Jerk with as many things you can flick at him. These can range from simple papers, to bigger items that will cause a lot more anger. Possibly a cute and funny moment in the game, are the little animations that the Jerk will go through as the stuff you fling get bigger. They can range from mild annoyance, to a hilarious outburst of anger. This little detail really brings together the premise, and it’s nice to see developers adding touches to complete the game experience.
The Gameplay
Aye, since the start of the touch screen craze, there be no doubt that titles have been released, which all involve flicking stuff at other stuff. It be the simplest concept possible, and there be many games that have done this. In Office Jerk, yer stipulation is that the fan tends to move the object you flick into wildly different directions. It makes flicking a bit more tactical, but not in the sense that you have to plan every move. The game is really just a matter of lining up the perfect shot every time. There’s a small scoring system at the lower right of the screen, and you can wrack up as many as you can while time is running. In the Holiday Edition of Office Jerk, many objects in the background can be hit, and there be unique little animations for all of ’em as well.
Should ye let this Game on Deck?
Overall, the game be less about bringing innovation and more about refining what already works. It won’t bring anything truly new to the table, and it definitely won’t keep ye hooked for hours at a time. That is not to say that the game have no value, however, as it is a funny little twitch game with enough attention to detail to make it work. Arr it also be funny when ye annoy the living daylights outta yer despised Office Jerk, and so that you don’t do it in real life, ye can try it instead on yer iOS and Android phone. It will keep ye entertained until I find another haul of apps and games to tell ye about, so go ahead and give it a try.