Ahoy there me lads and lasses! This old salt had a great day with the crew. We decided to have a quick stop on land to get some items for the kitchen, as we were running out of some ingredients. We initially decided to go back to the ship after getting all we needed, but it just happened that there was a dog show nearby. As pet lovers, we couldn’t just ignore that. We watched the show from beginning to end, and the dogs were so adorable. Our hearts were full as we were also able to interact and play with them. If only we could bring them aboard and take them in our adventures. But as for now, we were happy that we had that experience, and thankfully there are virtual pets that we can play with, and I’m sharing an app for that in this review. So, batten down the hatches as I tell ye hearties more about the game called Old Friends Dog Game by Runaway Play.
It has a charming art style

The art style is charming as the images are like those old school drawings from classic children’s books. It’s nostalgic and it gives you that feeling of calmness as you look at the relaxing images. The appearance of the dogs are also based on real dogs that live in a dog sanctuary.
It’s free and it’s a meaningful game

This game is free, and you will not be bombarded by advertisements. You have the option to watch ads to get rewards, but you are not forced, so it’s up to you if you want to do it. This is a great feature because you can play peacefully without being bothered by ads, in case you prefer not to see any. This is not just your ordinary pet simulation game because the story is meaningful as you rescue old dogs and care for them in the sanctuary. It teaches a lesson to players to care for these animals, especially the senior ones.
It’s slow paced with a story to unlock
The game can be slow paced with the tasks getting repetitive at some point. However, it’s something that you can play anytime, especially since it’s available offline. But there are times that the progress does not save when played offline, which can be somewhat frustrating. Each dog has unique features and stories, which you can unlock. Unfortunately, you can’t go back to the story once shown. It would have been better if there’s an option to do that as you get to connect more with the pets as you go back with their stories.
The pros
This is a meaningful game as it involves old dogs based on real life. It’s free and it’s an option to watch advertisements. It has a charming art style with a calming vibe. There are stories to unlock for each dog.
The cons
The pace of the game is slow and the tasks can get repetitive.
The verdict
Old Friends Dog Game is highly recommended as it’s not your ordinary pet simulator game. The stars of this game are old dogs, whose appearances are based on real dogs living in a sanctuary. It’s free to play without forced advertisements. It’s also meaningful, nostalgic, and each dog has a story to tell.