
One Clue Crossword Review

On July 8, 2023

One Clue Crossword Icon

Ahoy there me hearties! I hope ye are having an amazing time because me and the crew are having one. As ye may already guessed, we found some great booties to add in our collections. And now, it’s time to relax and unwind. The buckos are drinking some rum, but this old bucko prefers to write ye lads and lasses an app review because I know that you can’t wait to get another one. I will just join them once I’m done. So without further ado, let’s go straight to the app that we will review for today, which is One Clue Crossword by

It’s a crossword with a twist

One Clue Crossword Review

It’s like other crossword puzzle games where there are horizontal and vertical blocks, in which you need to find the words that correspond to them. Classic crossword puzzles give you a clue for each number. However, the twist on this one is that you are given one picture and that serves as your clue. All words that are on the puzzle are related to the image, so you need to pay a closer attention to the details. The good thing is that you can zoom in the image by tapping on it to see it better. Controls work well so you wouldn’t have a problem with that since all you really have to do is tap on the letter to complete the words. 

There are hundreds of puzzles to solve

One Clue Crossword App

As of this writing, there are over 800 levels of puzzles to solve in the game. There are different levels in a chapter that you can unlock, but you need tokens to play one. Once you run out of tokens, you need to wait and watch ads to collect more tokens. Unfortunately, you will only get a few tokens after watching an ad, so you need to do it several times to get enough to keep playing. 

You get to collect stickers

Another fun thing about the game is that there are hidden stickers in the levels that you can collect as you unlock them. You will enjoy looking at them, especially when they increase in number. It’s nice to see your growing collections, which also adds to the motivation of playing more. 

It’s enjoyable and challenging

As mentioned, this game is fun. You will enjoy solving puzzles and collecting stickers. It’s also challenging as you need to think of the right words in the crossword puzzle to complete the levels. With hundreds of levels that await you, you are in for an exciting and long hours of gameplay. 

The good

The game is free and it has a twist from the typical crossword puzzle games. It’s enjoyable and challenging at the same time. There are over 800 levels to complete and you also get to collect stickers. 

The bad

It may take time to get enough tokens if you run out of them, which slows down the progress of the game. 

The verdict

We highly recommend One Clue Crossword for those who love crossword puzzle games or those who are looking for a word challenge. It’s free and there are hundreds of levels to play. You will enjoy completing the puzzles and collecting the stickers too. 

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