In all honesty, I have never played a very addictive game other than what I am playing now. In case ye be wondering, the game’s title is Peggle and it has ruined my productivity. Instead of being able to do me job like most pirates do, I find me self stuck in the poop deck most hours of the day trying to beat my own high score.
Peggle has been seen across multiple platforms, but the latest development is right here with handheld devices such as those for the Android as well as the iOS. If ye be looking for a jolly old time, this is the right game for ye.
What is it About?
If ye had the unfortunate luck of not being able to have had heard of what this game is all about, then the tides are in your favour once again. To narrow it down for ye to give you a firm grasp to its essence, Peggle is a combination of a pinball machine and a puzzle bubble game. If it sounds confusing for ye, that be perfectly alright.
Peggle, at first glance, looks to be quite confusing. However, it be more simple than it actually seems. Aye, I know the first time I played it the game felt like I was careening me ship towards shallow waters. It be the most exciting thing you have ever done especially if you’ve been months out at sea, which is what playing the game feels like for the first time.
Ye be launching a ball and your objective is to knock out a lot of the pegs to gain points as well as to complete a certain level. To do this, this be the part of the game where puzzle bubble experience factors in. Before the launch of any ball, you will need to point as to which direction ye would desire it to go towards. Although there be no grave consequences in failing to do so, knocking all that is required of you is the challenge in itself.
Is it Enjoyable?
Besides the concept of the game alone, there be tons of stuff that make Peggle loads of fun. The visuals are stunning and don’t even get me started on the music. The background sound, essentially the music that plays while you pop the pegs, is one of the best that has ever been created for a game. I swear me entire loot on it! Ye have to experience it for yourself in order to explain it. For me, it be like the song of the siren but to the tune of a bass guitar and a drum set.
The controls are also quite simple which make playing Peggle very enjoyable too. There be only two things that you have to do with this game. Point the arrow and press fire to launch the ball, young lad. That’s all it takes. As far as accuracy goes, that is entirely up to ye. Finally, there also be tons of power-ups that aid ye in getting to burst more pegs so those are features that ye be needing to watch out for.
Like many apps, Peggle costs $.99 in the App Store. If ye be looking for fun such as making the ship come about after a windy storm, this be the perfect game for you. Fun, thrills and excitement await you as soon as you launch the game on your device. So, don’t blame me if your life has been ruined for playing the game too much. You have been warned, matey! There be very few games in existence that is this addictive, and it just so happens that you can take it with you anywhere you go as soon as you download it.