Yo-ho-ho, me hearties! B’fore ye be on the account, allow me to tell ye ‘bout something ye might be missing once ye set foot in this ship and leave behind the life of a landlubber! Arr!!!! Ye like animals and such, don’t you now? Then allow me to show ye this app called Petting Zoo, a game that will make yer mind addled with all ‘em tricks n’ illusions that defy everything ye ever known about!
All I be knowing is that whenever I turn on this app, I be needing to splice the membrane! Har-har-har!!!! Let’s have a look at this marvelous App then, Aye?
The Petting Zoo
The major selling point of Petting Zoo is that it was illustrated by famed author Christoph Niemann, who hand-crafted over a thousand frames for this app. In this app, there are 21 animals, which were designed to be interactive, which simply means there are a bunch of things you can do with each of them.
When you start using this app, take away the childishness and simplicity of it and you will feel like you are on a drug-induced trip. The entire feel of Petting Zoo is quite psychedelic, with you being able to stretch and twist animals that you can’t do in real life. Once you’re done with an animal, it morphs into another one for you to play with. As an adult playing with the app, it will literally make you feel like you are on a drug-induced trip. Half of me crew at goofing around in the front deck as we speak. Meh, rusty old Seadogs! Back to work Lads! Starboard!
What You Can Do with It
So as mentioned prior to this section, there are 21 animals in this app that are interactive. You can tap on the screen, slide or do a bunch of gestures and each animal on the screen will be doing an assortment of things. For instance, the dog can be bent and twisted. After tapping on him, the dog will also perform a break dance. So as you can see, these are things that are not possible in real life.
But in the world of Niemann, it is undoubtedly so. The fun here is that for every animal, different gestures are used so part of the adventure is figuring out what you can do with them by experimenting with your fingers. This in turn, will help you figure out what they do and how each animal responds to them.
This is an app that provides you with very limited options, but that’s the entire point behind it. Even with all the animals in the app as well as the things you can do with it, there may come a time that you could get bored with the repetitiveness of the entire thing. However, you also need to remember that this app is perfect for children. So, if you feel you could get bored with it easily, your child may have another opinion on the matter. Even me Parrot Squiffy is poking at the touch screen with his beak, i kid you not.
For $1.99, you can enjoy an interesting interactive experience, and show children around you something cool. The App is pricey because you’re paying for the name of the illustrator and the high amount of detail placed in the app. Petting Zoo is something you should download if you don’t get easily bored or if you have children in your home. Savvy?