Avast ye landlubber, we be approaching land. Can’t wait to get to me old ball and chain and me little ones. We’ve been at sea for several months and I be missin’ them so. But afore the App Pirate gets home, I be leavin’ ye with a few more of me reviews. There be nothing more boring in a sea man’s life than the lulls o’ peace that fall after every storm. When we sail across vast oceans, the idea be a romantic one, but the grim truth is that we end up fiddling with our smart phones and explore the inner depths o’ the internet more often than not.
This be why me and me crew set about looking for a game that we could all enjoy while ignoring the blasted wails o’ the sirens. So for months we looked for an app we could all share together, and that be the time we discovered good ole Phone Fight for our iPhones. It be a unique title indeed, but how does it fare on the seven seas.
The Premise and Gameplay
Basically, the title explains what the game is all about, but it also reveals very little about how the game is played. You see, this is a multiplayer game designed for one on one battle against any player that has the same app. This is a unique premise which is sort of a shame because the developers could have added a lot more to make it even more entertaining. Basically, Phone Fight aims to make your smart phone into a sort of warrior which must do battle with other phones.
This is to level up their skills for the fight against the dangerous viruses online. What you get is a game with a pretty rudimentary turn based battle system, which you don’t control, and a relatively short story mode. Battling is also severely limited because of the energy limitations you get if you don’t buy this game. The game does shine when it comes to the levelling system in play, because there are tons of stats and weapons you can attain through battle or the through the in game store. There’s also a bubble mode which offers prizes and coins every time you pop one.
The Look of the Battling Phones
The first thing you might notice about this game is that it aims to make your phone into an anthropomorphic being which battles for you. So in way, you can just imagine a small Pokemon in the shape of your phone. The thing about the graphics is they’re sort of underwhelming. The look is what you would expect from an app game, so you can probably just imagine a cartoony batch of characters mixed in with pretty but forgettable backgrounds.
However, the game does get some props for excellent animations whenever you start your attack on the enemy. Every weapon you arm your phone with has its own unique look and feel and the fights that go one between two enemies. The interface is easy to move around through, and the different menus are arranged very intuitively. The presentation of the game is good, and the little package that it’s wrapped in makes the game that bit more charming.
The Verdict
The concept of this game is brilliant. Much like Pirates wars on the ocean, when you meet a black flagged ship, you know it’s on! Garr, for the life of me i’v endured many rough encounters i kid you now mateys. While this app is a charming little battle game, it also suffers from sub-par fights. For those with no patience when it comes turn based fighting games, you can skip this title. Otherwise, give it a look even if it is just for the unique premise of the game