Ahh, potatoes! They be good for eatin’ and great for throwin’. Aye, get hit square on the face with a heavy potato? Be ready for a black eye and a world of hurt. And if Calypso ain’t smilin’ down on ye, be ready for a ride to Davy Jones’ locker coz’ I’ve seen a lot of buccaneers meet the same fate. So, if ye really want to know what me thinks about Pota-Toss, the 3 month-old app from Sabor Studios, I be saying that potatoes as ammunition ain’t no joke.
Seriously, though, Pota-Toss is a great and seemingly fresh app. It is currently on iTunes and is one of the top downloaded apps around as it does features something really unique. Don’t you worry, as you read this review, you will be privy to what unique features this app has in store for you.
It’s a Social War Game
Oh yes, this is the first ringer – Pota-Toss is a social game of war. Basically, you are given a whole bunch of spuds to throw around at your friends. They, too, have those same rotten spuds to throw at you. Your objective is to protect your homeland from their bombardment while trying to destroy theirs. Something fresh, right? Well, that is just the tip of the iceberg.
It’s Location-Based
The social war game concept where potatoes are flung to and fro is just the front of the app. The real juice comes from its location-based system. Remember how you are tasked to protect your homeland from spud artillery? Well, the game literally uses your exact location (via the GPS on your phone) as your homeland. For instance, if you are in Los Angeles playing with a friend from Paris, your homeland will be a recreation of the city of Los Angeles and your friend’s homeland will be a recreation of Paris. Cool, right? Wait, it gets better.
It’s Visually Awesome
So, the app already has awesome 3D recreations of these cities, 100 or so to be more accurate. Well, not only are the sceneries 3D, everything else is as well, including your spuds. But, let’s focus on the location element of the game. It actually has recreations of almost all the major cities in the US and Europe as well as some from Asia, Africa, and Southern America.
The recreations are pretty much doppelgangers of the real cities but with just a touch of animation. Whatever is the case, though, the sceneries are just breathtaking, which kind of gives a very different experience that you really can’t find in any other app out right now.
It’s Free
So, it is a social war game, it’s got stunning visuals, and has the GPS thing to determine your location. So, now you ask how much does it cost? It’s free dummy. And that is another great thing about it. The app is free, which is surprising. Well, apparently, Sabor Studios’ plans to make money through in-game ads. And for us gamers, this is excellent news as we can freely play a wonderful app that won’t force us to buy stuff in-game using real money just to get by. Nah, they have taken care of everything and that is why this app deserves 2 or maybe 3 thumbs up.