Well tie me to the mizzenmast and make me dance the Hempen Jig if ye ever call me a hornswaggler! So crack a bottle of Rum and let me tell you about the new bully in town that’s been plundering and looting like a mad dog as of late. This lad has awesome fists i tell you. I heard he even stood up to the Kraken, i kid you not!. Alas, this is the story of the Punch Quest app.
Punch Quest is Jetpack Joyride on steroids meets a very violent Super Mario. In this arcade-like-fighting game your objective is to bash and batter down hordes of nasty beings. You do that by tapping both of yar’ thumbs to either smack, slam or jab assemblies of enemies from all shapes and sizes.
In this game, you will have to go through different realms, be they dark dungeons, smelly sewers, old castles and gloomy caves. During your quest you will encounter a gazillion of enemies, and it is your choice whether you confront them like a true Pirate or merely dodge from the hazard. Oh, and there’s also the big Bosses like the giant Haunted Megaskull you must face every now and then, i hear the Kraken looks like my pet parrot, Squiffy, compared to them.
Grillin’ Punch or Bone Bashin’ much?
As you go on, enemies begin to become increasingly stronger, also in accordance to your character’s upgrades and abilities, enemy scaling at it’s finest. In the game, your fists is your one and only weapon . Aye, a solid game like Punch Quest must be universal , and it sure is. Punch Quest is available both on Android and iOS devices, Yo-Ho-Ho!. Some of the punches at your disposal are the Jab, the Jumping uppercut, and the devastating superman punch. Boom!
Customization Away!
The most important aspect of the game is to customize your character. You can also upgrade combos and tweak the appearance of your character, starting from his outfit, to his hat and all the way down to it’s hair and skin. Most importantly, you can unlock special abilities and upgrade super moves which allows you to unleash cataclysmic powers.
For instance, there is a giant egg that you can punch who stores a magic gnome, who takes control over your character, running about punching everything that moves. Or, you can ride a Laser Raptor called the Dinopocalypse or become a mighty Dwarf, cool eh?. Aye, endless of possibilities indeed i say.
If you like Arcade style games, Punch Quest game is a definite must. Coming to think about it, if you have either an iPhone, iPad or an Android there is no doubt you should have this app on your Smartphone. Sure, the graphics are a bit pixellated, but in a very tasteful way, and the game flow is absolutely fantastic. Aye, there’s no escape from the end result when playing this game, a goofy, buffoon-like smile on yar’ face. Aye, we Pirates sure like a good old fist fight before bedtime. Oh holy Neptune, i forgot to feed me parrot Squiffy! Hoist the anchor lads, Garrrr!