Arrr! Me and me stinkin’ crew have always been mighty fond of movie stars and movies in general. Aye, celebrities like the lovely lass Angelina Jolie and the handsome son of a whelp, Tom Cruise be one of our favorites. Movies with em’ are movies that we be watchin’. And be it the season of the Oscars, well, ye can bet that our eyes be stuck to the wondrous telly as opposed to sighting seafarin’ vessels to raid and plunder. Aye, the glitz and glamor of the Academy Awards be enough for our booty-huntin’ bellies. So, if ye think ye can beat this here movie buff pirate in Quiz Apps: Hollywood, better think again. I be watchin’ the Oscars when ye were still a suckling little babe.
Quiz Apps is an app title, brand, and series that developer Devada seems to be hell bent on building on. According to the gossip, Devada plans to whip out the title to serve all kinds of trivial games beginning with Hollywood up to a variety of sports and other categories. For now, we review the first installment, Quiz Apps: Hollywood Quiz.
Hollywood Trivia
Who won the Academy Award for Best Actor in 1976? Which film won Best Film? Who is the most awarded actor in the Oscars?
Do you have an answer to any of these celebrity-packed trivial questions? I don’t. Now, if you do, then you might really get a kick out of Quiz Apps: Hollywood. It is a trivial app that features over a 100,000 questions about the glitz and glamor that is Hollywood. From basic questions of which actor or actress starred in this movie or that movie to more difficult queries of what film won best screenplay in 1982, this quizzical app has it. Getting right down to it, if you are into movie trivia, this app should easily challenge the knowledge in that noggin’ of yours.
3 Modes of Gaming
While I am not one to have a lot of Hollywood trivial knowledge tucked safely away in my brain, I did test this app out with my friends and we actually had a blast. The app has game modes that actually encourage social gaming, whether you be beside your friends or through online platforms like Facebook, where you can post and brag about your score. For instance, one of the game modes that we tested was the Time Attack, where you are given 90 full seconds to answer as many trivia questions as you can. We took turns and they eventually found out how bad I was at this type of game.
Aside from the Time Attack, users will enjoy dropping celebrity knowledge on their friends through the 20-20 mode, where you will be given 20 questions to answer with a strict time limit of 20 seconds.
And for those that have an abnormal stock of movie facts lodged in their head, the Perfect Wave game mode might be the challenge to put what they know about Hollywood to the test because in this mode, one wrong answer translates to the game ending for them.
Not Bad At All
Trivial apps like these are a dime a dozen, and from the look of Quiz Apps: Hollywood, there doesn’t seem to be that much difference at face value. But, the beauty of the app lies in the 3 different game modes and the huge database of questions. It will take you literally more than a month to shuffle through the entire lot. No other app I know off compares to Quiz Apps in those regards. And since Devada has released this title totally free and vows to continuously add new content and questions to it every so often, not downloading it now seems to be just a really, really, stupid idea.

1 Comment
Great Quiz App!