Ahoy there! Anchors away for me and the good ole Jolly Rogers. We are off to find more loot and treasures for me. Oh and of course me lads. Arrr mateys we never tire looking for new goods to loot. And that is why me and me jolly crew are looking for old greats. Classics that people have long forgotten. We will sail the seven seas to bring them classics to you people stuck in the ground. You better thank us land lubbers. Our early adventures have helped us bring back the old classic Scrabble. Me and me lads have been playing the mobile game since we got it. Here is my review for the mobile game app Scrabble review.
Return of the Classic
All right me lads and me lass, before we get things started there is an important fact that you should know before we start the review. The word games you love so much, for example mobile gaming apps like Word Fu and Bookworm, were all based from the original fun word game, scramble. Long before these mobile game apps were developed, players were already being thrilled by Scramble. Word per word gives you the score to top the other player. So every time you play a word game always remember that Scrabble paved the way so you can enjoy being a word smith on your mobile device. This can only mean that Scrabble is here to stay for all to enjoy.
Faithful Version
Ahoy mateys! We at the Jolly Rogers believe that when something is not broken, it is good to sell. Or simply put, you do not have to fix it. The real gaming experience of Scrabble was brought into the mobile gaming platform. That means you will get the great game play enjoyed for ages. The fun of forming words from blocked squares. The thrill of tripling the score of the word is still there. And the joy of being crown the lord of words is still good for all. So whether you play it in your iPad, iPhone, or Samsung Galaxy you can get the full range of fun. That premise is a solid ground for a very fun game.
Added Feature
The mobile gaming app Scrabble is already so much fun. But the game adds a new layer to push the thrill. There is a new game feature called Best Word. At the beginning of the game four Best Word features are given to each player. And what it does is it gives you the highest possible word score on a chosen set of tiles. You can use this feature four times in a game. This will keep players on their toes so that they can always maximize every point since the Best Word is a good equalizer or a good way to surge ahead.
Scrabble is best enjoyed when played with other players. It is a good thing that the mobile gaming app Scrabble has a multiplayer feature. Although it does not have a Bluetooth usage, the multiplayer feature is still playable. The play and pass system still works. It may seem primitive but the game is an ode to the analog days. You can live with the clunky passing all for the sake of great game play.
Scrabble Control
The dynamic game play is devoted to the mechanic of devising the best word possible. Thus, the game control is quite simple. You drag the tile and drop it on your desired block. You can double tap on the screen to zoom in. This will give you a closer look at the game board. So the game is a matter of tapping and dragging.
The mobile gaming app Scrabble is simple but very engaging. Download it now and play to your heart’s desire.

Am lovin your reviews! Scrabble and Words with Friends are my top iPhone games atm
In one simple word – FUN!
Hey 🙂 I am making iPhone and/or Android game and the character design is going well. I have run into a little problem. I am terrible at making the background and foreground (Area where character walks on)! Are there any tutorials or any tips on making backgrounds? Thanks for the help 🙂