Arrrgghhh! The evil goblins are on the loose. Ready the weapons and let’s rain fire these stinkin’ creatures, arrrr!!! Thar she blows! Har, har, har! Nah, there ain’t no real goblins lads. I’m just playin’ this app that I got from iTunes a couple of days ago. It’s called Shellrazer and seems to be a whole lot of fun. Even some of the buckos in me crew like Big Jim have found the game really exciting. Aye, tis’ a good app and that is coming from the App Pirate himself.
This game is from Slick Entertainment Inc. and can be downloaded for $2.99. The money that you will be spending for the app is worth it as you will be in for a great adventure that you can play for hours and hours.
Basic Gameplay
With over 75 levels to complete, you will never be bored of this game as it gets challenging as the level goes up. When you start the game, you will be asked to choose on the difficulty level. This includes No Problem (easy), Pretty Tricky (medium) and Hard as Shell (difficult). The first few levels of the game, whichever mode you choose are pretty easy.
It gives you the chance to familiarize yourself with the game. However, you may want to start with the easy or No Problem mode as the difficult or Hard as Shell mode will immediately become harder after the first few levels. Enhance your skills first on the easy level before trying the difficult level.
Since this is a side scroller game, you don’t have to control the movement of your turtle, though you can make it move faster. Shoot the enemies by firing your gun. There will be a gun at the back of the turtle, which you will use to take down the goblins. As you progress to the levels, you will be saving various champions that will help you in your battle.
There are 15 champions to free and you can use a maximum of three. There are more than 50 types of enemies so you would need the help of these champions to unlock all levels. Aside from completing the levels, there are also 15 achievements to finish. Customize your champions and the turtle and upgrade their skills with the coins that you collect.
Attacking Enemies
There are two ways on how to attack the enemies. You can use whichever works best for you. The first one is the hold and drag method. Hold on the weapon that you wish to use and drag to the direction of the enemies you wish to attack. The weapon will keep firing on that direction as long as you hold on the screen. The other method is to use your left and right fingers. Tap on the weapon using your left hand and tap on the area where you wish to fire using your right hand. The hold and drag method is faster and more accurate, but other players are more comfortable with the second method. See which one you like best.
The Verdict
The game has great graphics with lively background music and sounds. There are several levels to play, which are challenging enough to keep you moving forward. This is something that will keep you occupied for some time. ShellRazer is a great game!