Avast thar ye swabbies! Me sea legs be settlin’ in the briny deep and me crew and I be addled from all the swashbucklin’ we be having. Aye, before I get to me rope’s end, I be having an app review for ye. Hold on to your horses and widen yer deadlights as we be takin’ a snow adventure with SkeeFree, the most terrifying game for a buccaneer such as I!
Anyone that has grown up in the 1980s to the early 90s and have played video games will surely remember SkeeFree. Back then, this was considered to be one of the top sporting games and provided thrills for many players worldwide. Over time, graphics and game play have improved but surely there are still those who would love to reminisce with the good old times and play this game again.
Fortunately, you now can as SkeeFree has been re-launched for iOS devices. For $.99 in the App Store you will be able to download and play this awesome game.
SkeeFree Reborn
Upon downloading it, you might be shocked to know that this app is just a little below 2 megabytes in size. Of course, back then games really did not rely on graphics but more on the game play which is what this game absolutely provides. To start off, everything in this game basically remains the same from the classic version except for a few differences in quality and controls.
Levels and Controls
So you basically have three stages to choose from: the Tree Slalom which has flags and tons of trees; the Slalom which is the regular level without lots of trees and Freestyle which allows you to just “wing it” and perform a lot of tricks. You will notice that the graphics is not that blurry as it once was (if you’ve played the game many years ago) as it had been designed for retina display support. When you begin the game, you will be given instructions on what you should do and what you need to avoid doing.
For starters, you will be warned to avoid obstacles such as trees because if you do hit any of them, you will lose points. You will gain points when you do jumps as well as tricks in mid-air which can be done by pressing the jump button or hitting the ramps. As for the controls, the left button is the D-pad which controls the direction in which you will be able to control your character. On the right side of your screen, there are two buttons. The one on top allows you to jump while the lower button is responsible for performing tricks while in mid-air.
Game Play and Point System
Now when you’ve started on any level, it begins quite slowly. Just like in real life, your character builds momentum as you go down the slope. Here’s where the fun and terror begins at the same time. The more you go faster, the higher points you will receive. However, as you do speed up, lots of obstacles seem to be unavoidable which will require you to move your character real fast. Otherwise, when you hit any obstacles such as dogs or trees, you lose momentum and points. Worst of all, there is a yeti somewhere at any point in the game. Once you crash against him, he will literally eat you whole and its game over.
SkeeFree is a very good game and worth the download especially if you are into retro games. Sometimes, it isn’t all about visual effects and high-definition playing. If fun is all you want, this game is close to perfection.