Ahoy, me lads and lassies! It’s me again, your favorite pirate app. I’m back from sailing the seven seas bringing another great game find that you can try on your gadget.
When I was a little boy, I would go to the arcade and play for hours. One of me favorite games was Whack-A-Mole. The mallet was a bit heavy for me little hands but it didn’t stop me from hitting all those moles. When I became a pirate, I never had the chance to play the game again as most of the time I’m sailing on the sea and hunting treasures. Yo ho ho! I finally found a Whack-A-Mole-like game that I could play while on the ship. It’s called Smack that Gugl.
The Game Play
Like the name of the game suggests, it’s about smashing the Gugls. These creatures are different colors of blobs that pop up on the screen. Tap on these Gugls to prevent them from turning red and exploding. If a Gugls explodes, the number of your life will decrease. As mentioned, there are different colors of Gugls to smack on this game. There are those that need to be tapped twice while others would multiply so your fingers need to be fast to prevent the screen from filling up with them. It will be more difficult to control these blobs and stop them from turning red if they start to crowd the game window.
The green and yellow Gugls are tougher than the others. They are the ones that need to be smacked two times so they will be smashed. Else, they will turn into red ones, which you need to avoid if you want to keep playing the game and reach higher levels. The yellow ones are not just tough but they also split into two. So when they split into two, your fingers need to tap on them quickly to smash. The blue Gugls also double when smacked. There are Gugls that you need to avoid to prevent losing a life. They are the ones with chicken pox. These sick Gugls have red spots on them. The game play of Smack that Gugl is pretty basic as it involves tapping on the Gugls. However, since they have different features and there are Gugls that must be avoided, you’ll find yourself engaged with this game. I got frustrated when I was starting to play the game because I would always forget to tap twice on the tough Gugls and I would end up hitting the sick ones. But I mastered it after some time and I have the highest score compared to the buckos in our ship.
There are 100 waves of Gugls to smash on each level. If you were able to smash them without losing all your lives or without having 5 red Gugls on your screen, then you move on to the next level, which is harder than the previous one. There are two game modes to choose from. They are the kid and pro level. The kid mode is easier than the pro because the Gugls pop up slower, while they pop up faster on the pro.
The Good
The Gugls look candy like, which is appealing to the eye. The sound also adds up to the excitement of the game. The controls work well smashing the Gugls when you tap them. This is a great game that would keep you busy for hours. There is a global leader board that would let you compete with other lads and see who the best player is when it comes to smacking those Gugls. Try to beat me ye mateys, as I’m currently on top of the list.
The Bad
This is generally a fun and good game so there’s not much negative things to say about it. One minor improvement could be the background. Instead of being white, various background themes could have made it more enjoyable and exciting.