As a man o’ the sea, me and me crew take great pains to memorize the constellations as regions we pillage curse our magnets into oblivion. O’ course, we never had anything to fear of the night sky, as she acts like the guidin’ light to our salvation. That is, until, I got me hands on the sci-fi classic, Alien. Now, me and me hearties regularly check our hulls for any sign of those abominable Xena-merphs. Argh, the movie still sends chills down me spine, especially that one chest-burstin’ scene. Thankfully though, thar be a game that will therapeutically allow me to send those abominations back to Davy Jones’ locker, which is why Solider vs. Aliens was a whole lot o’ fun for me.
The Gameplay: Shoot the Alien Masses down
Perhaps made iconic by the Alien series and Warhammer 40K, the Space Marine has always been the default good guy in these sci-fi horror games, the exception being Isaac Clarke of the Dead Space series. In this title, you play as one of these marines, who bear an eerie resemblance to the Starcraft marine, and your task is to take down the Alien Horde. Of course, like most titles, you don’t start out with the highest tier gear.
More often than not you can get your hands on a pea shooter for the first few levels, which kind of sucks because you’re going to hold on to that pea shooter for much longer time than expected. The inherent problem with free games is that they almost always come with a hook – make your character look better and game better with new equipment. This game really makes it a point to make you earn your weapons, as in game currency takes a while to gather. At the same time, gear can also be pricey, forcing you to shell out a few dollars just to survive the onslaught of enemies.
The mechanics handle very simply though, as a swiping motion moves your marine and holding the screen makes him shoot. The alien horde shamble in from the right and your only task is to keep them as far away from your barrier as possible. This would be a great title to own for burst gaming, but the over imposing adverts and offers really make you feel the grind even more.
The Look: How do those Monsters look?
There isn’t much to say about how the game looks, it’s in 3D, and the environments are clean enough so that you don’t notice any glaring problems. The Alien animation is pretty good and the marines do look stylish. In general, the visuals are right on the money and the graphics are up to par for this genre. This Pirate sure does approve, Ti’z much more fancy than me dusty old ship, Garrr!
The Verdict
While Soldiers VS Aliens may or may not tickle your fancy, it’s still a free title. Add to that the decent and somewhat addictive gameplay, you may surely find yourself hooked on your device for hours on end. If you have got yourself an iOS device and like these shooter games, this is definitely worth a download in my book.

1 Comment
one of the best TDG so far! couldve been the best if it wasn’t for some small bugs but oh well!