Well, ahoy there fella. It appears ye caught me red handed playin’ this new app called Stickman Tennis. Ye see, I’ve always loved sports – basketball, volleyball, swimming and of course tennis. Aye, they’ve always had a special place in me heart. This game makes me feel like a professional tennis player, which I’ve always dreamed of. Why don’t ye give it a try?
The Basic Game Play
This application lets you play the role of a tennis player. The buttons are easily accessible and they respond well when used. You can tap on them to choose your attack, as well as the direction where you wish to throw the ball. It gives long hours of game play and it has repetitive value since you can choose between a quick play and joining a tournament. It also offers different difficulty level so you can play the game depending on your skills or experience.
If you are just starting, you can choose the easy mode, though the medium level is not that difficult to complete either. So if you are a beginner but still want a challenging game, go for the medium level. Once you mastered the basics of the game, then you can switch to difficult level to make it more exciting.
There are 64 tournaments to play, as well as training courts if you wish to practice your skills. While you have the option to switch between automatic and manual running, it is recommended that you go with automatic running. The manual run can be really frustrating as it is difficult to make your character move from one spot to another and direct where the ball should land. It comes with a leaderboard making you want to play harder to be included on the list of top players. However, it does not have achievements, which could have made it more challenging and fun.
Graphics and Sound
The sound of the game deserves two thumbs up since it captures the sounds that you would hear on a real tennis game like the cheering of crowds and words from the announcers. There are different courts available, which adds spice to the app. The characters, as well as the crowds are, as the title suggests, stickmen. This may not be as eye catching as most of the apps today but its simplicity is perfect for the game as you can focus on your attack and on hitting the ball.
You know lads, when i was a young sprog i was fit and dandy. I could’ve swing a bat like Poseidon himself i kid you not! Nowadays me body is rusty and dusty so i can indeed find pleasure in playing the miraculous game of Tennis yet again in it’s virtual form, savvy?
The Verdict
Stickman Tennis is a must try game especially for sports lover. The basic look of the characters is a good decision for the developers as players can focus more on the game itself. The app sound can make you feel like you are in a real tennis tournament. The leaderboard makes it more exciting and challenging to play as you can compete with your friends and other players around the world. However, it doesn’t have achievements, which could have made it even more enjoyable. But overall, this game will give you long hours of great gaming experience.