Arrrgghhh! The stinkin’ enemies are close to me base. Ready the cannon and let’s rain fire on their puny heads, arrrr!!! Thar she blows! Har, har, har! Nah, there ain’t no real enemies bucko. It’s just this app that I downloaded two days ago. It’s called Strategy & Tactics: World War II and it seems to be a whole lot of fun. Even some of the stinkin’ scallywags in me crew like Left-eye Morrison and Big Jim have found the game a wee bit exciting. Aye, tis’ a good app and that is coming from the App Pirate himself.
HeroCraft Ltd. is the developer behind this game. As the title suggests, this is based on World War II or Second World War, in which countries formed two alliances, the Allies and the Axis. Relive those historical moments and experience to be part of it through this app. Learn more about it with this Strategy & Tactics: World War II review.
The Basics of the Game
This is a turn base strategy game that is somewhat similar to the game Axis and Allies, as well as Risk. If you love the said games, then there’s a big chance that you will also enjoy playing Strategy & Tactics: World War II. There is a tutorial at the beginning of the app that will teach you everything you need to know about it including how to control your soldiers, keep track of the events and purchase new items.
One of the things that separate this one from other games on similar genre is that you get to play as one of the bad guys. Most apps would automatically let you play as the good guy. But don’t worry since you get to experience playing both sides. On the other parts of the game, you will be fighting with the Allies. Furthermore, instead of just tapping and dragging your soldiers to fight the opponents, you can choose what action you would like to make including attack, support and move. It is possible to split your soldiers and perform multiple moves on your turn, depending on your strategy. Also, units can only be used again after a certain period. So you need to plan well on what units to utilize for your battles.
The goal here is to conquer as many regions as you can. Successfully defeating enemies on a certain region will earn you more game currency, which you can use for upgrading and purchasing new equipment. Complete various campaigns, each with their own missions. Once done completing the campaign, you can also play with other players on one single device or by using wireless connection. The graphics of the game is good, making you feel that you are in a real war. The background music also brings a battle-like effect, though it does not change. There are explosion sounds when you or the enemy attacks.
Free or Paid?
There is a free and paid version of the game. As you may expect, the paid version has lots more to offer, though it can be a bit pricey at $4.99. But if you want to get a feel of the game first before making your purchase, you can always get the free version. The free app includes three missions for the Axis campaign, one skirmish mode map, one cross-platform multiplayer mode, one hot seat multiplayer mode and the Decline of the West Scenario.
This is good enough if you do not want to spend anything for playing. But if you want more, the premium version will give you the full Axis campaign, full USSR campaign, full alliance campaign, several maps for the skirmish mode, several hot seat and multi-player WiFi mode maps, and free updates. All of these will give you hours and hours of gaming pleasure, which makes up for its cost.
The full version of the game may cost higher than the usual price of other apps. However, it is worth the price as it offers a lot of game options that will keep you playing for a long time. This will test how well you strategize to conquer the lands. The graphics is good enough, the sounds and background music are solid. More soldier movements when they attack would be much better. Overall, this game is a definite must for strategy games fans out there, as it is super challenging and extremely good!