Have ye ever seen a stinkin’ zombie in yer life? It ain’t pretty staring down their decaying muzzle. And their breath, woooh! Aye, they be smellin’ like sulfur and brimstone. I killed me several zombies back in the day, and they be hard to kill. But boy, those were the days. Killin’ em is a lot of fun, especially if ye got fire on yer side. Them zombies hate fire. Oil up yet cutlass, set it ablaze, and start whackin’. Now, I ain’t sure if this app called Stupid Zombies does the same, but any game where I can kill em’ zombies is a good game to play.
Stupid Zombies was a title that came out back in 2011. It was a hit then because of its Angry Bird’s like concept, where you are tasked to shoot all em’ zombies in the most effective way. Game Resort, the developers of the app, decided to release a sequel called Stupid Zombies 2 about a year later (October, 2012), and as of today, it has become one of the most downloaded apps in the iOS and Android markets. Let’s take a closer look to see if Stupid Zombies is really all that.
Same Concept and Gameplay
The first Stupid Zombies was a hit. People loved it because the gameplay was simple and fun. The gist was that your character would be positioned at the left bottom corner of the screen armed with a gun. Using the walls and other elements in the level, you are to shoot your gun in angle so that the bullet will ricochet in a way that will eliminate all the targets on the level. Yes, the targets are all zombies and you need to kill them stupid things.
In Stupid Zombies 2, everything the people loved in the first one can expect pretty much the same thing but more polished. Yes, Game Resort has released an improved version of the old game. And, that is the reason why it has gotten a lot of buzz and downloads these past few months. People loved the old stuff and here is more of that.
Slight Differences from the First One
Alright, not everything is the same. Like every sequel, there will always be changes. In this case, there are 2 noteworthy changes. Stupid Zombies had over 480 initial levels in the game, which people loved. Furthermore, the game allowed users to jump to various chapters in the game. Again, people who played it back then loved that. Well, somehow, the developers decided to: a) reduce it to 300 levels and b) to make chapters unlockable by way of a minimum required rating per previous puzzle solved (very similar to how Angry Birds does it). Now, these changes may turn off some old, hardcore players, but I don’t think they are deal breakers. However, it would have been better if they stuck with the old format.
Aside from those somewhat backward alterations to the game, you will also notice an upgrade in graphics as well as additional goodies in the game, which definitely enhances the experience from the old title. For instance, the game features a whole ton of ammunition and upgrades, zombie units (from the standard ones to the fully armored, battle-hardened creeps), and even laser sights for your gun, which you can trigger in-game.
All in all, this game is all that is cracked up to be and is a great sequel to a beloved hit. The game has price tag of a dollar and will also encourage in-game purchasing. The former is a good deal and the latter can be circumvented by topnotch gaming. So, if you got that extra dollar to spend, hop on to Google Play or iTunes and enjoy that bad boy. Garrgh!

I am in love with mobile games as long as there are zombies involved. LOL That’s why I really love Stupid Zombies and Tapslayer: Alice in Zombieland!! I get to kill lots and lots of zombies using different weapons and characters. Awesome!
If you loved Stupid Zombies or just loves zombies or killing zombies in general, then you guys should totally try and play Tapslayer: Alice In Zombieland! You can kill lots of zombies per stage using different characters and upgradeable weapons. Try it and see for yourself. 🙂