It be no accident how pirates look very fashionable. From Cap’n Hook’s red motif, to Sparrow’s unorthodox tunic, we be a stylish bunch. O’ course, that don’t mean we don’t need help every once in a while. Ya see, bein’ stuck on a ship for months at a time can kill a pirate’s sense o’ style because time changes everything. That be why we were so interested in the Stylematic app and what it offers us. It be a program that let us keep stylish while we were far away from land. Here be my review of the tiny and stylish program.
Stylematic’s Community
One feature that makes Stylematic so unique is that it pushes its community pretty hard. You see, everything is based on trending stuff, unique style, and an in depth look at the fashion world. The community is constantly online and is composed of a global population.
So how does the app work? First off, the program can help you figure out your own style. You can take pictures of random people, even yourself, and then get opinions. These different ideas come from a huge number of stylish people all around the world. So, if you’re looking for some Asian flare, you can ask a person from across the world to check your outfit. At the same time, you can also look up what’s trending and then base your outfit on what’s new.
Asking the Community Questions
The fun thing about Stylematic is that it’s a virtually judgement free zone. Stylists and fashionistas from across the world can leave their opinions and even share their outfits with each other. If you’re looking for a few recommendations, then all you have to do is post a picture or a question online. As it stands, there are thousands of users active at any one time. So, from here you can see how quickly your questions can be answered.
Photo Uploads
On top of recommendations, Stylematic also allows you to take pictures and then upload them into the app. There is no limit to how many photos you can take, so you can click away at random people or even your friends. This feature is integrated into the program so that there is always something new to look at or see.
Once you’ve uploaded the outfit you want to try out, there is one more feature that you’ll want to look into. The program makes shopping for those clothes online easier, as it always has a handy database of shops on hand. So, once you’ve settled on the clothes you want to buy, it will just be a matter of waiting for Stylematic to hand you the right links.
The Verdict
Stylematic is absolutely brimming with fashion content which is based on both user uploads and in-app suggestions. However, it is also a niche program, and is directly marketed for fashion lovers. If you’re not into hours of styling and shopping, then you might not get the most out of Stylematic. You can pick up the app for free through iTunes.