Blimey! Someone bombed the good old Jolly Rogers! Why would kids paint their name on things they do not own? Vandals! I tell you they are vandals. I have never seen one that I like. Arrrr! Well there a few vandals that I like even just a little. Those young kids in the mobile game app Subway Surfers are cool kids. But they better make sure they do not touch the Jolly Rogers. I have played their game a couple of times. Here is my review and it is quite gnarly.
Where is the Water in the Subway?
Maybe you are thinking what Subway Surfer is? Well this is a cool endless surfing game in the subway. To make the name clearer to you here is the game plot. The story begins with the game’s three protagonists spray-painting the train caboose. The train station’s guard and dog are hot on their trail because of this. A chase ensues. This is where the game begins. You pick one of the characters available and run along the train track. While running, you should dodge trains, get coins and whip out your board to show off some tricks. The mobile game app has a simple plot. That is why you do not have to invest a great amount of time in the game to enjoy it. This kind of setup actually works. You can just open the app and get right into the action without worrying about the story. And this type of game is easily one of the better time gap filler in your day.
How to Surf the Subway
Now that you know what the game is all about it is about time you know how to play it. The endless runner game genre is pretty simple enough for many to enjoy. And Surf the Subway is no exception. In the game, your character runs forward automatically. There is nothing you can do stop the character from running. But there are controls that will make you move your character left and right and even up. In the mobile game app, you have to dodge obstacles like trains, barricades, light posts, tunnels and so much more. You should also move left and right to get power ups and coins. The moving forward is taken care off so to get these power ups or to avoid things you swipe your finger left and right. The game controls are not the groundbreaking type. But the game makes good use of the proven formula. And though the game play is not original you will still enjoy this one. There are plenty of fresh twists for you to have fun.
Fresh Twist to Running
There are game features that make this endless runner unique. For one, you can get the jetpack. This power up can boost you up for better movement. Another power up is the coin magnet. This can help you collect coins easier since they fly towards your direction without moving that much. You can also pick up the sneakers to boost your forward movement. And you can also get the multiplier to help multiply your score. All in all, the power ups help change up the endless runner game. And that is what makes Subway Surfers a cool game.
Good to Look At
Subway Surfers also has cool visuals that help complete the overall gaming experience. The character designs are modern and rendered in a cute 3D fashion. And the train tracks are nice to look at. Even though the game is fast paced you can still enjoy the eye-popping visuals.
Subway Surfers is one endless runner that should be part of your apps collection. Though it may be evil to vandalize walls, the opening is just a small part of the game. And the gameplay and the graphics make for a cool gaming experience.

1 Comment
So much better than TempleRun!