Ahoy there lads and lasses! It’s high time that I bring to ye all a new sort of game from the depths of the seven seas, or ye know, the app store. If there be one thing that makes super ball juggling unique, it is that it is as wild and as hard as sailing the ancient seas.
Aye, I am a bit ashamed to say that it took me many tries to finish this game. However, with every replay, I found myself drawn back, harharhar!
Play Some Football
If there’s one word to describe this whole game, it’s intrusive. At the same time, it’s also one of the most difficult titles you’ll probably play this year. The rules of the game are quite simple – there are two football players on the screen and one ball. Your aim is to keep the ball off the ground for as long as you can through tapping the left or the right of the screen.
There is only one level that goes on forever, but the aim of the game is to rack up as many hits as you can. Each round only ends when the ball hits the ground and then a little sound effect plays.
You start off with one ball on the left side of the screen and it occupies one player’s time. However, as you get more hits, the second ball will be introduced into the equation, and that’s where the true fun starts. As you tap each side of the screen, your little players will kick the balls into the air. The fun here is that the second ball always falls at such an unexpected time. So this will more than likely throw some players off.
If you don’t tap the screen on time, you’ll be visited by a game over screen and will be moved back into the start page. The premise is extremely simple, but the app comes from the developer that brought you Flappy Bird. That means that the game is designed to be simple, but is also extremely difficult to master. I found myself constantly trying to beat my previous score, again and again.
Simple but Charming Looks
The game looks very simple in comparison to other titles that hit the app store. The only level is laid out in a cute 16-bit art style and the tiny animations are very charming to watch.
There isn’t much in the way of variation in this title, but the calm green and simple layout of the field make for an attractive looking game. It also throws back to other older titles that are notorious for using the 16-bit style of the early 90’s.
Very Haunting Sounds
While the soundtrack isn’t anything to write about, I found the digital tracks to be cute. However, there is a huge danger to the music in the game. After each failure, you’ll hear your animated sprite fall over as the ball makes its bouncing noise. It will soon start haunting you after countless repetitions.
The Verdict
Super Ball Juggling is a massively addicting game. Really, this game might rip your schedule to shreds as you keep trying and retrying. This is all because the game will taunt you with high scores and you can even look up who has the best record online. Overall though, much like Flappy Bird, this is a game you can’t miss out on. Pick it up on any app store; it’s currently a free title