Shiver me timbers, lads and lassies! I have come across such a fantastic game that I have thrown me chess board over the Atlantic Ocean. What I be talking about is t Chess Pro, one of the latest crazes to hit the portable gaming world. It be a game of smarts, wit and how ye be able to make your opponent dance the hempen jig with as few moves as possible.
Everyone knows that chess be a game that requires your full attention and discipline. For it be real battle and you have neither trait, walking off the planks would be the last thing you ever do. Now you can enjoy playing chess on your iOS device and no longer have to set up chess pieces. With this universal app, you can take the game with you wherever you go.
T Chess Pro Features
Whether you be an old salt or a young lad, you will be able to find delight in t Chess Pro. This game be perfect for gamers of all skill levels. As long as ye love to play chess, your eyes need not look any further than this app. So what features will you love about this wee app of a game? Basically, everything about it you will absolutely go bonkers for.
There be three levels of difficulty ye can choose from depending on how well you play chess. Beginner is a level you can choose if ye be a young lad with no experience yet, learning to get the hang of the game. In this level, even the computer makes mistakes to simulate buccaneers playing chess. Now, if you have a lot of experience, the Expert level should be just right for you. On the other hand, if ye fancy yourself an expert of sorts, you would have no problem with the Enthusiasts level. If you ever wanted to play against a chess game against someone who would treat ye like a scallywag and call you a scurvy dog, try and beat the game in this level.
Another feature of the game that be of great benefit is being able to play with another gamer. Ye can play t Chess Pro with another human player, similar to what you can do in real life. At the same time, if ye be unfortunate enough not to have learned to play chess like me mateys aboard the ship, you can rest easy as there be an integrated e-book app in the game which teaches you how to play it.
Perhaps one of the most amazing features of t Chess Pro is its stunning visuals. Ye can play the game in standard mode where the view is top down and there be no animations in it. However, the three-dimensional mode is what makes the app worth it. Play in this mode and it will look and feel as if ye be playing with real chess pieces. At one point in time, one of me mates thought he could take out one of the pieces since the effects looked so real!
Game Play
Interestingly enough, t Chess Pro be very easy to play. Whether you are a first-timer or a seasoned chess boatswain, ye will find no difficulty in controlling the pieces. Everything be touch screen, and all you need to do is figure out where the pieces go. Of course, this is taught to ye in the tutorial.
Aye, t Chess Pro appears to be quite hefty in terms of price. At $7.99, it seems that the price is quite steep. However, no price is high enough for a true chess enthusiast. For the price you be playing, the app is most definitely worth it with all the game’s fantastic features.