A pirate’s life be filled with many adventures. We cross vast swaths o’ the ocean just ta get ta secluded islands. O’ course, not all of our adventures involve crossin’ massive bodies of water. Sometimes, we look to the land for fun and exotic locales. However, since we be pirates, we’re never privy to the secrets of the land. For these times, we turn to the online world so that we learn a bit more about the cityscapes we know so little about. Here be me and me crew’s review of the Tales and Tours app.
Finding Fun Activities
In strange cities, it can be hard to gauge where the fun places are, so sometimes, you end up getting lost. The idea behind Tales and Tours is that it supposed to help you find those fun activities. It does this through the use of the different guides around each city. You can find different sports events like cycling or running, find concerts and different bars as well.
Of course, there are a hundred different apps that already do this. So how does Tales and Tours deviate from this formula? Well, as was mentioned above, it employs a unique guide system. Each guide offers something different around each city. There are stories to be found, which always a fun thing when you’re feeling adventurous.
These guides are basically multimedia presentations that tell you a little more about each location you look through. They’re very detailed, but at the same time, are short enough so that you get the juiciest information. It makes the app perfect for on the go travelers with very little time to lose on each trip.
How these Guides Work
While the folks who developed this app did have a ton of knowledge about different cities, it doesn’t mean that the app is done. What is truly unique about this service is that most of those informative tours come from locals. This makes every bit of information you gather even more accurate, and painted in the shade of local flavor. If you want to submit a few tours of your own, then you can actually join up yourself.
The team is willing to work with people from different cities in order to bring a more immersive tourist experience. You can become a curator of your own or a special kind of story teller if the feeling strikes you. This feature is quite new and it also supports the idea of community, which is a nice change when it comes to touring a city.
The Verdict
Since this program is more collaborative, you get to feel a more well-rounded experience, you can hit up famous locales as well as less popular haunts. As it stands, there are new locations popping up all over Europe and the United States. Joining and using the app is also an easy procedure; its free and is just a download away from helping you out. Of course, the program also features an in-app store, so you may have to look through the shop for better packages.