There is nuthin’ better than the smell of the salty water on the open seas! With that, the fishes that are underwater are also a sight to behold and I often wish that I could take some of them home with me, especially if they come with a lovely lassie of a mermaid or two. Unfortunately, seeing as I am an App Pirate, I do not have time to care for these little critters! It is a good thing that I have an app that simulates taking care of aquatic life without fearing that I will kill them.
Tap Fish is a gaming app for Android, iOS and PC users that is a virtual simulation of fish farming. In this game, you will be able to raise a vast array of different kinds of fish in an aquarium. A total fun experience especially for those who love fish.
The Features and What Makes It Cool
The objective of Tap Fish is to breed, raise and sell various kinds of fish in your virtual aquarium. Now, being a pirate and all, I mean it when I say I love fish! I go absolutely bonkers for them! That is why I am crazy for this game. Besides the large number of breeds of fish, I can also do so in multiple tanks to raise them in.
What makes this game awesome to play besides the breeding part of it is being able to sell what you have raised and earning money from it. Tap Fish gives you nearly 30 types of fish that even includes sharks. Plus, you also get to put accessories inside your aquarium from a choice of over 40 decoration choices. You can buy various plants and other picks such as caves or tanks. Now, to make all these upgrades and add-ons possible, you will have to earn coins that you get from selling and breeding fish. At the same time you can also earn coins from cleaning your neighbors’ tanks. There are other ways you can also earn money once you explore your options.
The Game Play and Fun Factor
One of your more important tasks is to ensure the cleanliness of your tank. Like my ship, I often make such a big fuss aboard my ship if even a small part of it is not mirror-clean! Who wants to raise fish in an unkempt and dirty environment anyway? Of course, the more obvious objective of the game is to buy fish eggs and watch them mature in your aquarium, which is the main goal of playing Tap Fish.
In addition, perhaps one of the most amazing things about this game is the ability to cross-breed different types of fish and creating new ones. Although this isn’t possible in real life, anything can be in the world of video games. This is why I love this game! Har har har! The more exotic the fish breed you are able to make, the more points and coins you will be able to get.
The graphics of the game are also near superb. In fact, it might even get you believing that you have an actual aquarium if you didn’t know better! The movement of the aquatic life mimics that of real fishes, which is another reason why Tap Fish is so much fun to play.
Is it Worth the Download?
In a nutshell, the answer is yes. Pirates need relaxing games from time to time. All the action I get from my adventures really takes a toll on my nerves on certain occasions. A simple yet fun game such as Tap Fish is just what I need to put a crooked smile on me face.