‘Tis me once more me hearties, the App Pirate, bringing ye somethin’ new to ponder upon so that ye may make the best use out of yer iPhone. O’ course, there be plenty o’ ways ye can make yer iPhone better, and thar be those that ain’t even just games. Aye, that is right, tons ‘o entertainment can be had without no complicated interface and such gameplay that make enchanted portraits look poor. Speakin’ of enchanted portraits, the subject of this review be one that is akin to that. Though rather being an animate picture, witchcraft alters your face in the Fatify app.
Funny little pictures
Arr, thar only be one thing that makes me laugh, and that is the thought of me getting prosperous and fat. Aye, that be the dream ‘o every pirate that sails the seas for hidden treasure. Alas I have only happened upon gems in the form of Apps, so I may have to wait a few more years before that dream comes true. For the meanwhile, I be content with imaginin’ that I get fat and with a little help from Fatify, I can imagine that day a little better.
Ye see, the app itself is simple; you snap a portrait with yer magic iPhone, and you alter that to make yerself look fat. O’ course, this isn’t the first time that this kind o’ effect happened, as evidenced by the many computer ads that clutter me ventures into the internet ocean. This is where Fatify shines though, as it does not pretend to be a good app. Instead, it delivers a smoothly plotted interface with pretty high resolution picture taking. If ye be ownin’ the new iPhone 4s, the app makes full use of both back and front camera eyes. It makes it much more flexible when using the app itself.
At the same time, it be not cut and dry for the app really does try to make the best of what it can do. When ye take the portrait of yerself, the app goes to lengths to recognize yer full face. It will ask ye to fit the face icon to match the portrait, then after which, it uses two separate circles to match where your eyes are. Lastly, the chin will need to be marked so that the boundaries are set. After which the app processes the picture and the designated space to make the picture. Oh it is a sight to see at first, for ye be fat and prosperous as the app ends.
As a little bonus, the developers o’ the app even added a little bit o’ fun through tappin’. Ye can make your plump self belch, wink, ‘n cough. While those don’t seem like much, it’s the little touches that really make the game more charmin’ to me, and that truly goes a long way. The last feature is that if ye enjoyed the picture, and ye want to share it, then all ye have to do is to save it on the iPhone and connect it to yer PC. That boggles me mind a bit, as I really will never understand’ how these connections are made.
Get it While the it Lasts
For a small and simple app, this be an entertainin’ thing to have on yer iPhone. If yer sick o’ games, and ye just want to poke fun at yerself or ye friends, then this app should satisfy yer wants for a while. On top o’ that, ye can also try the other two version o’ this app which are called, Oldify and Baldify, which do exactly what their titles suggest. Farewell for now me hearties, for I have to plot a course to the next port to visit. Safe winds and calm seas to ye, land lubber!