Ahoy, buccaneers! Your pirate in shining leotard is back to give ye the lowdown once again on the best apps out there. Today, we shall play a game that is about life. In fact, it is a Game of Life to be exact. Who has not grown up and played this classic board game at one point or another, am I right mateys? Now this classic game is reanimated to life once again in the form of an app.
The Game of Life is a title that young lads and old salts have experienced playing sometime in their life, as I be sure you have too. You can now download and play it on your handheld device, being able to take it in all of your adventures.
The Objective of the Game
The main goal of the game is to go through “life” and become a wealthy person towards the very end of it. In doing so, ye be able to experience life in the eyes of a young lad as you course through a lot of experiences that simulate real life. For instance, ye be able to choose to educate yourself by going to college or start your life as a pirate immediately.
Well, not a pirate to be exact but from the deck o’ cards that determine your career path.
I swear – if I had such luck of being able to choose a job from a deck, I would have done so. Instead, I loot and I pillage and you know what? I actually love it! No amount of bilge sucking would ever make me change paths. Anyhow, going back to the Game of Life, the end goal is to beat all your opponents by gathering the most money as well as the “life” cards. Whoever ends up being the richest, wins.
Game Play
This be the part of the game that is the most fun. The app simulates the real deal, mate. You spin the wheel to know how many moves you are able to make and there is no telling where you will end up. Your job can offer you a measly wage of an officer of the law or become a doctor to get the most money every payday. In every turn, ye can either get bountiful bonuses or end up on the hangman’s noose. In this case, be fired from your job.
In almost every turn, there be surprises along the way waiting for ye. For example, if ye be thinking you could avoid being married, one spin o’ the wheel and you end up with an entire family almost instantly. Yea, it can happen in this game. Well fortunately, it be just a game so you do not need to panic. Plus, ye be able to get moneys by landing on bonus spots that give very large loot. There is no end to the fun and surprises when you play this life simulation game.
The Game of Life is also very interesting because of its stunning visuals and three-dimensional graphics. It be as if you were actually in the game, rooting for your character. The animated movements be a nice addition to the game, making your time playing it a very worthy experience.
The Last Word
Like a lot of apps, this game costs less than a cackle fruit in a rundown tavern. At $.99 in the App Store, it sure be a worthy investment especially if ye love playing games on your iPhone/iPad. So, experience the Game of Life and know what it would be like if your life had taken another turn.