Ahoy there! Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen for we have a new game that will not only give ye a lot of fun, but it will also educate ye as well. When I be sitting at me quarters, I like to often think of what it would be like to have me own land as well as build a home while I be at it. Unfortunately, since I am away a lot, this is a far thing to ever occur.
Fortunately, I have me iPad with me and I play The Oregon Trail. This is a gaming app which simulates life on a small town during the Western era. A mighty fine simulation game, I say. The high-resolution graphics and the awesome sound effects alone make this game worth every coin you download it for.
What the Game is About
The Oregon Trail takes place during the Western era and you have just settled on your land. It now be your task to develop this land, create your own village by doing all the necessary things to make it prosper.
As mentioned, the game is a simulation on what life would be like in a small village during this time. You will have to do everything that is necessary which will be the game’s features. By completing tasks and doing missions, ye be able to get pieces of eights as well as make your land rich.
Game Features
In The Oregon Trail, everything you do pretty much depends on how ye are able to cultivate your land for crops as well as develop it to create structures. Aye, you can build saloons, homes and everything else you be able to see in a typical Western. However, a lot of work is involved before you reap the benefits. For instance, building a home is not just a tap away me matey. Structures are made from wood, and you can get lumber by chopping down some trees. A very realistic approach if you ask me.
In addition, you will also be able to plant crops and harvest them for food. Hunting is also another aspect of The Oregon Trail that ye must familiarize your character with. If you do not hunt, no meat will be available. Ye don’t think that meat just magically appear inside markets, do ya? The good thing is, the more money you earn, you will be able to purchase better structure types as well as items. Plus, ye also be able to forge new types of equipment by crafting two different items together. So this game is literally loads of fun in a nifty little app.
Avast there, mate. This game is not just all about building and prospering without any imminent danger. Like any environment, it is also susceptible to natural disasters which you need to be prepared for in this game. At the same time, ye also be needing to watch out for other freebooters wanting to take your duffle away from your hometown. This game’s features are so vast that you will literally not run out of things that need to be done.
The Last Word
The Oregon Trail costs $.99 in the App Store and it is one of the better crafted games available. For its price, the game beats out other titles of the same cost. A visually stunning and engaging title, The Oregon Trail is one game that ye surely will not be able to put down. In fact, I have spent a lot of hours and stayed up until the wee hours of the morning playing this game. The adventure never stops in The Oregon Trail, me hearties!