The plight is back! Oh how I rage at the sky and Poseidon himself when he strikes again with such righteous yet cruel rage. Often me thinks he cleans the world of what he doesn’t like, and so he lets loose a new plague o’ zombies to fight. Aye, it is endless, but if me sea dogs have anythin’ to say against ‘em, it’s that we will not fail as a crew. We will persevere and destroy this threat like the last one that reared its ugly head against us. Thar be no doubt that my hate for zombies has been well recorded, nothing will stop me fury, and the fury of Barry Steakfries and John Gore. However, once I have quelled the zombie mutiny, there only be one thing on my mind…
The Zombie Takeover
The app store, no matter how wide it be, and how many titles are featured on there, has become saturated with either runner games or zombie titles. Alas, it is the new fad amongst both old and new game developers. That doesn’t stop these games from being partly repetitive though, so it is refreshing to find a title that be a little on the different side ‘o things. In zombie takeover, it be your task to raise a zombie army that can takedown the many humans that reside within the neighboring buildings. I have to wonder though, because I swear, if I had total control over a zombie horde, I’d be pressed to do the same thing that this game features.
The Gameplay
In this title, however, ye be the master ‘o the zombies, and everything ye need, they will perform for yer will. While thar also be one leader above ye, who is the zombie general, you do control how and when to attack the other building surrounding ye. At the same time, ye are also tasked with creating the tower from which these zombies will spew forth. This tower will serve as the refuge after each battle, so ye have to keep planning it out to prevent any mishaps.
In terms o’ gameplay, the expansion option of the tower really adds a newer dimension of planning’. Since you have to produce more units, ye also have to find a way to accommodate all ‘o ‘em to prevent any mishaps on your part. This can also be a driving force in how you play the game, being’ that creating the tower takes a lot of micro management. However, this is where the game also fails a bit for me, because you can expand so quickly that ye might be forced to use actual money to catch up with the rate yer zombie population is growing. Of course, the game is free for any device that can carry it, so you can enjoy the modless title for absolutely nothin’. Unlockable characters are also free and the default game has a lot on offer when in terms of new and varied units.
The Looks
One can be forgiven for thinking’ that this game seems oddly familiar by the way it looks. If ye take some time to feel around for why this is, then you will see that the art style does follow a certain look. To be exact, the cute and bright world, coupled with googly eyes of the zombies make it look a bit like plants VS zombies. This is no negative, however, since the game still looks incredibly good.
The Last Words
The game be a very good foray in the Tower and Zombie games. The charm of it lies in the fact that ye are not slayin’ the undead, rather, ye are controllin’ them. The game does manage to lose out on a few points because despite the price being free, the game can tip it so that ye’d need to access some o’ the better gear from the real money store. It be worth a look see, and if ye like, then the item mall has many things on offer.