Arrr, if thar be one thing that remains true on both land and the sea, it is that there are many legends of great men who have stared down great danger, and lived. Aye, many have heard them, spread them through words and preserved them so that they be told again and again. I remember one brave swash buckler by the name of Black Bary, who inspired the scrawlers to write about Jack Sparrow. That aside, ye may now understand why so many have written stories for legends, which fits perfectly with this week’s review of Tiny Legends. A game about making yer own legend come true in the form of fightin’ hordes of land lovin’ warriors.
The Gameplay
Hack and Slash games have always been a personal favorite of mine, remindin’ me of how my sword swinging days are at an end. That is why when a game comes out, and it features frantic Hack and Slash mechanics, ye’d know for a fact that the App Pirate is going to download it through the nearest port’s Wifi spots. In Tiny Legends, the combat is key and the other features are there just to enhance yer fighting capacity. The swashbuckler in this game evidently favors the axe of all weapons, but it can be switched out every so often with a hammer or a sword. Clearing each arena will earn ye experience points, which ye can then spend on improving his swinging hand or his affinity for taking blows. Another bonus the game gives ye is money which can be spent on gear for the tiny warrior. Chaining combos will usually increase your cash reward each level, so having a fast swipin’ finger will really help ye in making cash for the warrior.
Beyond that however, the game can become a little repetitive in combat. There be only three game modes which ye can play, the first being eliminate which is self explanatory. In time warp portal, you are tasked with stayin’ alive as the portal is being summoned for ye, so you can expect hordes upon hordes of monsters to lay waste to everything around you. Lastly, in time attack, you are tasked with destroying everything in the room before the hour glass drops the last grain of sand. I found this to be the most exciting among all modes because it really challenged me reflexes. Of course, the leveling system and the shop do break these elements up, at the same time prices at the store will keep you going back to the main game to dig up more buried treasure.
The Feel and Look of the Game
Tiny legends is not the prettiest game on the 7 seas, but it does do a better job than most other titles on the iPad. Your enemies all have box heads and that goes the same for you, and the art styling is pretty, complemented by the earthy tones and vivid reds. Everything in the tiny world is well detailed and the 3D is smooth despite the limitations of the iPad. The enemy sprites all react to each strike as if you used yer cutlass to cut through them yourself.
Should ye get it?
Although the game can feel like yer riding the same rivers again and again, it has enough on offer to break up the action. If ye have interests in a hack and slash titles requiring little to no thought, which also be fun in frequent bursts, then the game is a definite must buy. Aye this piece of booty merely costs 99 cents, so ye’d be a fool not to see what the fuss be about. Fair winds then lads, at least until they bring yer old friend the App Pirate back again for the next game.