Hail mateys! Me ship has just sailed the vast seas lookin’ for treasure that would make me tooth shimmer and me lips quiver. While me search for the perfect treasure chest full of doubloons can be compared to what people think of the cook’s barbecued bilge rat dipped in tartar sauce (which is a measly failure of course), I did come by this trinket of an app – somethin’ that is so unique. Let me introduce ye land lubbers to Tiny Wings – an app that might just pull at your heart’s strings. It did mine.
Helping a Poor Bird
Tiny Wings is a game that kind of reminds of the old story about the ugly duckling. Remember how that particular duckling was ridiculed by his mates for being so ugly? Well, while it does not happen with the bird protagonist in this game, it kind of feels that way. Ye see, the bird in the game has tiny wings (thus, the title). With such tiny wings, flying is almost impossible for the poor fowl. And that is where you come in. The bird is so adamant to fly that he will do anything you order him to just so he could ride the air like many of his breed. There, that is the gist of the game. Oh, one more thing, there is a sun to be wary of here. The sunset, in particular, will be chasing the poor bird. If it catches up to it, it is game over for him. Hence, the reason for wanting to fly. You need to get him flying in order to get ahead of the sunset.
Unfortunately, getting the bird to fly is something of a difficult task. Since he has tiny wings, he really can’t maintain his flight. In most cases, he will fall flat on the floor. However, as you play the game, you will learn how to use those rolling hills and other stuff there to your advantage – using it as a springboard to lift right off upon touching down.
Flying Controls
The control may seem a tad bit complex when playing the initial round, especially since success in the game is all about timing and strategy. You will learn when to tap the bird so that he knows when to flap his wings and tap again to tuck them in. All that you will pick up once you read the ebbs, flows, and ultimate momentum that the bird can get into with your help. A quick trick to get you started in the right direction is to always get the bird flapping on every incline, whether in the air or taking off. Flapping increases momentum. The opposite should be done when visiting the decline or landing on a hill that rolls down. Don’t worry, you will get what I mean once you start playing.
Why You Will Like It
Tiny Wings is somewhat comparable in terms of gameplay and graphics to another app called Canabalt. However, I do prefer this app more simply because the graphics is nice and clean, featuring crisp designs and enhanced shots. As for the gameplay, the whole touch on sympathy that a bird trying to fly brings does make me swoon with glee whenever he appears impressed with me at the helm. Oh yes, he will give you face that will make you feel that you have achieved something.
Tiny Wings is only available on iOS devices. So, if you are on an Android, I pity you. To get the game, you will need to plunk down a dollar. Cheap if you really think about how this game will make you forget the time. I know because I totally forgot to meet me lassie the other day for lunch just coz’ I was trying to make this cute little geezer fly.