On the lonely seven seas, the months can often feel like years ta us pirates. Besides the roiling waves and the infinite blue, there be little entertainment for us pirates to sink our wooden teeth into. This be why we play so many different apps for both the android and the iOS because without ’em, we’d have gone insane many seasons ago. O’ course, after the fifth game o’ temple run, things can get hectic quite quickly.
This be why we switched to deeper games that ‘ave a lot of cards in ’em to keep us entertained. I spied some o’ me crew playing this new one, and so I tried ta play the Transformers CCG. Here be my Transformers Legends review ta see just how it stacks against others in the genre as well.
The Gameplay
There isn’t a lot to be said about this game in terms of gameplay and that’s mostly because if you’ve played one CCG, you’ve probably played this title. You collect hundreds of cards with varying powers and battle them against both human and computer opponents. Some of these cards might be a little rarer than others so collecting them and trading is always an awesome idea. The difference with these cards, because they’re transformers, is that they also have an alt mode that allows you to switch them into more powerful forms.
You do this through the use of trans scanner cards that are combined with the main card to make an even more powerful robot. Beyond that, you can expect the usual kinds of cards, which improve your staying power. The unique addition to this game is that there is still an active gameplay element. For example, certain battles are initiated through face-to-face confrontation. Much like how the Decepticons work, you can ambush some players and catch them at their weakest. This ups your chance of leveling up and helps you get your much-needed XP. On the flip side, you can also be ambushed by other players, so putting too much stock on that method can kill your team in the long run.
The Graphics and Gameplay
Surprisingly, when you start this game up, you’ll notice that a lot of time and effort has been placed into making this game look pretty. The cards are well drawn and whether or not you’re a fan of the whole series, there’s a lot to be enjoyed in the looks of this title.
The biggest downside to the gameplay is that it follows the F2P business model a little too closely. You can only really participate in a maximum of three battles before your energy runs out. In the store, the game sells energy recharges for around a dollar, and so on and so forth. This wouldn’t be a problem for this game, but the down time for each recharge is excruciating.
The Verdict
Between the many different cards you can collect, and the combinations you can make with those cards, there are a lot of ways to make your own team of giant fighting robots. This makes the game good, but it could have been great if there was a lot less down time between each fight. Unless you want to spend a few extra dollars to keep playing, then the pauses between each fight can get annoying. However, if you can see past that by being very patient, then there’s a lot to be had in this title.