Avast ye landlubber, we be approaching land. Can’t wait to get to me old ball and chain and me little ones. We’ve been at sea for several months and I be missin’ them so. But afore the App Pirate gets home, let me share you another review for an app that I think you will find helpful. Pirates live a free life, and if that don’t show in the way me and me crew run our ship, then you’ve never seen what free really means. On countless stormy nights, we pillage under the cover o’ dark and take what we want. The rum, the gold, and every valuable ye be hiding from us we will find.
O’ course, too much of a good thing can kill your love for it, so at times, we do abandon the ole galleon in favour of warmer shores. O’ course, it ain’t so easy to book a flight as a scurvy dog o’ the sea, so we are often forced to find alternatives to our intended trips. This is why Tripshare be our new favourite app for travelling.
The Purpose of the App
Okay, so when you travel, there are so many different problems that will arise, and most of the time it comes from the planning. At the same time, looking up different hotels online and safe places to stay is a bit of a hassle. Lastly, booking can be also become a pain in the long run because between the calls you have to make to the airport and the hotels, you might not have the time to rectify mistakes. These are all common issues when you travel around the world, and they don’t seem to be going away any time soon.
However, there are also many different ways by which you can avoid these situations, and this time it comes in the form of an app. Tripshare’s purpose is to improve your experience with booking and planning big trips. It features thousands of different cities in its selections, and even more hotel listings. In fact, when you start making your initial trip, you might be overwhelmed by the sheer number of options you have. From Jerusalem to Seattle, there are so many destinations which you can choose from. However, if you already have a place in mind, then the app will just aid you in making the right decisions.
The app is also expansive in terms of travel options, listing hundreds of flights and dates to choose from. In fact, you can basically plan your whole trip in the app itself, so afterwards you can just sit back and relax. Unfortunately, since the app only sets up your trip, you can still be subject to cancellation, and sometimes that means the app won’t update you about it.
The Social Feature
Like most apps today, Tripshare also features the ability to post your trip information on Facebook or Twitter. Of course, a lot of people might find this abrasive and annoying since they’re not going, but it does serve another purpose. You see, using the share feature of the app enables you to plan your trip with your friends.
Basically, they tacked on an online forum where you and your friends can iron out every detail. To use this option, the trip organizer must invite others to join in by entering their email address. Afterwards, they would be able to see the plans and comment about them. Aye, for Pirates this would be a great app to use in the seven seas for looting and pillaging. Avast!
The Verdict
While the app is good at what it does, namely planning a trip, it doesn’t have much purpose afterwards. It has an expansive list of location, local attractions, and means of travel. If you’re looking for something to help you plan your travels, Tripshare is a must! In the future, an integration with online calenders and a “trip support” feature will make this App even more lucrative. Savvy?