Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum. Ahoy there me lads and lasses! Your friendly app pirate is up on another exciting adventure around the seven seas! Although I love the waters, I’m into plants, so I also enjoy exploring forests and jungles. We had different plants and trees in our backyard when I was a little lad. I helped my parents care for them, since I had a natural interest in them even though I was still young. I took that enthusiasm with me as I grew up, and until now I’m a certified pirate. We even have an area in our ship where I grow some plants, so we get to enjoy fresh produce when it’s harvest time. This is also why I’m into playing farm games, like Tuscany Garden-Farm & Adventure by Lor-game. Let me tell ye hearties more about this app.
There are different places to unlock

You start with the home where the farm is, but there are other areas to unlock that come with their own themes, like snow covered villages and tropical islands. It’s interesting because you will see a variety of scenic views, which make the game more enjoyable because you are mesmerized with what you see, while you get immersed in playing. That being said, you will also love the graphics of this game. It lets you decorate not only the farm, but the entire town. It’s exciting how you get to see it develop from a forgotten place to a gorgeous area.
It has a story

There is also more depth to the game because there is a background story to why your character is saving the farm. This also adds juice to the game because it sparks your curiosity on what happens next to the characters. It’s like following a story and playing a farming game in one.
It’s free but it requires much of energy
This is a free game, although you can make an in-app purchase to get items quicker and speed up constructions. But it’s entirely up to you if you want to use real cash or not, since you’re fine to keep going without spending real money, although of course, you may need to spend more time making progress. Every task requires you to spend energy, and some of the tasks need a high amount of energy, so you can easily run out. There are ways to gain more energy, like watching advertisements, but as mentioned, you will spend more time collecting them to keep playing.
The good
This is a free to play game and it has gorgeous graphics. There are various locations to unlock and it has a story that you can follow.
The bad
Some tasks require a lot of energy, but getting more energy can be challenging.
The verdict
We recommend Tuscany Garden-Farm & Adventure for those who are into farming games. It’s the farming game you know, but it comes with a story, and with more locations that have different scenic backgrounds and eye-catching themes. It’s free to play and you will enjoy as you develop the place from a barren land to an impressive place.