Avast ye landlubber, we be approaching land. Can’t wait to get to me old ball and chain and me little ones. We’ve been at sea for several months and I be missin’ them so. But afore the App Pirate gets home, I be leavin’ ye with a few more of me reviews, beginning’ with this Twist Pilot here.
Twist Pilot, seems to be a strange name for a game, but once you start playing, you will see that it is apt. The app is a production of Zynga, so you know it should be good seeing that Zynga normally has a knack of pulling out hit after hit. So, does Twist Pilot live up to the name of its developers? Well, let’s just see, shall we.
What the Heck is Twist Pilot?
In a nutshell, you take control of Phil, a strange shaped object that continuously rotates. For some people, Phil is a propeller. They are probably right, but who knows.
Anyway, you play Phil’s pilot and your job is to navigate him safely across a labyrinth full of obstacles, enemies, and really tight alleyways. Phil gets hurt every time he touches walls and objects, so it is imperative to maneuver him properly so as to keep him alive – a task that seems to be kind of difficult what with the number of passageways where only an acutely-angled Phil can fit through. The game basically requires you to use a lot of the logic hidden inside your brain and call upon the magical dexterity of your fingers.
Controlling Phil
As mentioned earlier, it is your duty to keep Phil the propeller safe and sound as you traverse 72 levels full of labyrinths. To control Phil’s movement, all you need to do is drag him in the direction you want him to go. Now, his continuous turning, you can’t control. So, if you want him to squeeze through an alley or passage safely, you will need to time his rotation or turn in line with the angle you want Phil to be in when he squeezes through. Again, it requires logic, timing, and a lot of dexterity.
Phil’s Life is Delicate
Every time Phil comes in contact with a wall, an enemy, or obstacle, his life depletes. The longer you keep him away from these elements, his life regenerates. You can even speed up the regeneration by collecting the many power ups that litter each labyrinth.
There are even more than a few power ups that will alter Phil’s shape, size, or rotation. Beware, though, not all power ups are helpful. The developers added a twist to the game that can be somewhat frustrating – they added power ups that can actually make it more difficult for you to navigate Phil along treacherous corners and passages. Some examples are the power ups that will make Phil turn faster or a power up directly in your path where none is needed.
It’s Weirdly Addictive
Maneuvering Phil through a maze is quite fun and strangely addictive. The app is great, though the visuals, I think, needs a tune up simply because the colors used are dull and the environments on each level seems to be oddly familiar from the previous levels. Notwithstanding this, the app is a great one to have if you love puzzles and mazes. It costs a dollar to download and install the game for iOS or Android devices.