Ahoy matey, I be noticin’ your loneliness ever since we left port. Ye need to get used to leavin’ yer old ball n’ chain if ye really want to be a pirate like me. And if the blues be too heavy to bear, ye got yer smartphone there. Just call her up and get a whiff of her voice again. Now, if ye be a stinkin’ cheapskate, I be recommending Viber, a cost-saving communication app that I be using meself.
Viber isn’t a new app in the world of mobile communications. It has been around for a few years and has actually enticed more than 12 million people to use it. Well, you really can’t blame those 12 million people because Viber is truly a nifty little app. And that is spot on whether you are an Android junkie or an iOS Apple lover.
Save Money on Your Cell Plan
Making calls and sending SMS isn’t free. Mobile carriers will often provide you with a monthly plan that allows you a finite number of free calls and texts. They then charge you extra should you go beyond the appointed limit. If you got a lot of friends or are some kind of uncontrollable chatterbox, you know that all those additional calls and texts can cost a small fortune. This problem is where Viber becomes a godsend.
Viber is an app that allows you to communicate to your friends for free. Well, let me rephrase that – it lets you communicate with your friends that have Viber installed for free. Viber allows you to send instant messages or make voice calls as much as you want within the Viber network using the contacts database in your smartphone or tablet and a Wi-Fi or a mobile data network connection.
The Only Limitation
Viber is quite useful when you your friends have Viber and are online. It becomes rather useless if the people you need to contact isn’t online or if you don’t access to a Wi-Fi or data network. This is definitely the limitation. The good thing is that almost everywhere you go is connected one way or another – via Wi-Fi, 3G, or the latest LTE. So, the chances that you won’t be able to connect with your Viber buddies is pretty bleak. Hence, this really isn’t a big deal limitation.
Ease of Use
I love Viber. I love it more than Skype or Fring – and I do use both heavily as well. This is because I find Viber easier to use, what with the clean and clear interface, and the almost automatic integration to the smartphone’s calling system. If you want to call someone that uses Viber, you will have the option to use that or proceed with the standard mobile connection. If you have Skype and Fring installed, you will definitely have to choose what app will be the default call handling app. I would recommend going with Viber 8 out of 10 times, just because of the user-friendliness of the app.
Free, Free, and Free
Need I say more? It is free just like Skype, Fring, and all the other apps in the same boat. And with over 12 million people online on it, it is highly likely that you will find a good number of friends and contact addicted like crack to Viber.

Hi there!
This is a member of the Viber Team. 🙂
Thanks for your review, we’re always happy to hear about our users’ experiences!
If you have any questions about Viber, we’d be happy to assist.
Viber Team
hello dears… i really need your help .. why ur not putting viber call on blackberry 9900?? we only can send messages, but if you can make it for us and put viber call on bbm because there is many peoople worldwide are using blackberry … can i have your reply??
Viber for nokia c3-00 is not working and i’ve tried every thinggg
please help!
Viber is wonderful, so good so far. I just wonder if you could enable emoji emotions and add the last seen feature it would make it the 1st and the highest rated app ever 🙂
Why I can’t receive automatic phone call from viber? Please help me!
Do the same for BB
i have not accept your code
make my phone vibar.
Hi there viber team.U guys had really put in a lot of effort in making viber rumble for me and my mates all over the world.We are able to chat,mms and sms for definately free!Know how much we save?I think with my network of friends and relatives all over I guess it is no small expenses I have to incur to be able only to chat with them.Keep moving and improving the system and god’s willing we will all be able to utilise with the best free calls anywhere in the world.
Thanks viber team for making my mobile very useful gadget.As i can message & call free & that too fast.
Why in all blackberry models, there’s no free call??? Only messages..? Hope you have a reply in this message.. Thankx a lot viberr!!!
why this app only for android n iphone can use. When nokia can use this app?
so greatful to have VIBER , thanks to all VIBER TEAM , more power !!!
Always thankful to viber for connecting me to my sister!!! Just like talking one meter away!!! ( overseas call NZ-JPN)
Always talking to my friend zzzzzz n d US
I like viber, is an amazing app, i use it to send SMS with my gf because is easier and love the push up notification. The calls are good but not greate when i call someone using a WP OS device but to an android or ios device is just great .
Good. It is very useful for us. Thanks a lot.
Hos to dowenlod vibre in black berry9380
So good!Since I did upgrade version,I can’t get auto call code in Myanmar.How can I get code please?
@kienzkie –
Our calling service is coming to Viber for BB hopefully within the next few months. Stay tuned for news and updates 🙂
@francesco –
At the moment, Viber is compatible only with Windows Phone 7.5. In the future we plan to expand to newer versions of Windows Phone.
@salma –
Did you download it from Ovi Store? Please specify what country you’re located in, and which cellular network.
My wanted viber
Please give also viber to the blackberry mobile phone soon.
i am unabel to use viber when i recieved new code from sms. my phone doesnt recieve it.. say always wrong code.. please help me what i have to do.. can we only once viber service… because i have used with another iphone which is solod now.. please guide me
dinesh bam
@ram caunan –
Viber is already available for Blackberry devices. You can find it in AppWorld 🙂
Yeah you have to be online and you have to have the other person download Viber. So youre asking people (who may not use Viber for anybody else) to download the app – and its really not going to work for offices and other non-friends…especially if youre trying to save money with a low minute plan (ie Tmobile prepaid $30 100 min, 5GB plan)…Im still not sure if it works…Trying to use Viber tonight to call and/or text a friend in Australia to discuss the Grammys and neither goes through…yet the numbers are correct because it works with my regular phone
sir i think u didnt get my point .. I have Lg smart phone..but i have already used viber service with Sonyericson but i have sold it.. and i tried to use viber in present LG smartphone …but viber is not recieving the code sent by sms.. i have used plenty of time.. but doesnt accept.. say wrong code.. but if i entered friend mob no. it works properly….. please guid me what should i do
thanks i remain
Good of u
viber coat get.
Thank you viber
hi im try to get vibe dowload on my iphone 3 its not working why??? help me soon thanks
and i want to reciev my code on my iphone and i want to add all my friends on it so i can txt and ring them i want a world wide one
I like viber
i have been using viber on my G-tel infinity but now i have changed it and now using nokia E63 which is operating on S60.So when is viber for Nokia E63 be out?
I can’t upgrade at my phone.
I had been lost my fb account.
My phone is experia 10 and
version is 2.1.
my friends say somthing.gooday
my phone is free viber.
@talent j chimutashu –
Unfortunately Viber does not yet offer support for Nokia E63.
We are continuously working to adapt Viber to more and more devices, and when we have news, we’ll let you know.
@dinesh bam –
Please try removing Viber, wait 24 hours, reinstall and try again (make sure you try both the SMS and the automated call options).
In addition, you may try to register to Viber with a different number (for example – your home landline number, a friend’s number, etc.), in order to determine whether the problem is specific with your number, or a general one.
@SJ –
It could be that the network you are connected to is blocking Viber’s traffic.
1. First, please try uninstalling and reinstalling Viber when connecting to a few different WiFi networks (in order to pinpoint the source of the problem). What are the results?
2. Also, please make sure the following ports are enabled (“forwarded”) on your routers or firewalls:
TCP: 5242 + 4244
UDP: 5243 + 9785
(if you are not sure how to enable ports, you may contact your router manufacturer)
Hi dear friend i want viber my mobile is Nokia N95 smile plz give me link this my cell i want step dear friends help me friends…i am from Pakistan
Hi, I really want to have a viber apps for Nokia X3-02. Link please. Thankyou.
HI I’need very important to have viber.
viber is not working for HTC diamond 2 :(((((((((
Sin querer desactive mi cuenta que puedo hacer para recuperarla eh desinstalado 3 veces y reinstalado viber de mi tablet y no funciona
Samsung galaxy tablet 10.1
When voice call will come for viber in Nokia Lumia 820
when voicecall will come in for viber on my/phone QW29 DUO?
أريد مساعد لم أسطتيع تنزيل برنماج viber على تليفواني samsung gt-s5233w
I installed viber in my iPhone but is not want to open to me .
how to use viber
My son is n the Navy and was deployed overseas. I suspended his phone service while he is gone. Will we still be able to use Viber when he has WiFi access? We all have iPhone 4.
What do I have to do to use Viber from France to US? Do I need to put a different SIM card in my phone to get 3G or wifi there? Will I have a huge data usage bill when I get home?
Awesome review! I love Viber, and we all use it in our office. Great innovativeness!
Why can’t i download viber on Nokia x3.02 tho it says its supported by viber but yet im unable to download it, why is that?
how do i download viber for my nokia x3
I just want.to confirm that this does not use my phone plan’s texts. I don’t have a text plan at all.,so I don’t want to end up paying a fortune for each message. I’m in the US and have an android phone on Verizon. My family (also in the US, but with iPhones on AT&T) has Viber, so it would be great if we could actually text each other now.
Is Viber utilizing IM/data instead of texts?
I think I know the answer, but I want to be absolutely sure before I go spending $0.10/text.
Thank you!
does nokia asha 311 support viber?
@andrea –
Viber works over the internet. It uses data, and not your plan’s regular (cellular) texts and calls. Viber uses about 0.25MB per minute of call 🙂