Arrrrr!!! Damn these pigeons! Flyin’ around me ship taking all me grub! They deserve a good flogging! Ahoy mate… do ye hate birdies like these pigeons? If you do, then ye be glad that I be havin’ this app for ye called War Pigeons! It be one of the latest games that’ll surely have ye blasting yer cannons with glee. Allow me, yer App Pirate, to tell ye a bit more about this game.
What War Pigeons is All About
If you’ve played arcade games in the past, you might be familiar with the Metal Slug series. It is a side scrolling, action game in which the amount of enemies that come to get you seem to never end. War Pigeons is similar to that game. However, the key difference is, your enemies here are pigeons and some other types of birds.
That’s basically the premise of the story here. Mutated pigeons have escaped a military laboratory and it is up to you to stop them. So how will you be able to do so? By blasting them with every gun that you have in your arsenal, of course!
Features and Controls
Your goal is to kill all the birds. Either that or allow them to kill you first, which they will! They’re War Pigeons, after all. You have a wide array of weapon choices, which you can take out the birds with. From shotguns, rifles, grenade launchers and even lasers, you have your choice of what weapon you want to take out these mutated birds. To help you along your quest, there are numerous power-ups, extra ammunition and med packs which you can pick up while you’re playing the game. These are necessities as without the help, you can easily be overrun by these pigeons.
Other features of War Pigeons are the dangers that never seem to end. Besides having to take out the birds, you also need to avoid falling eggs, exploding eggs, and even kamikaze attacks that the pigeons will do to you. The controls of the game are fairly easy. To move around your character, just tap him. Then to target the birds, simply tap towards the direction of the enemy and fire. It’s simple as that. You can also easily change weapons by simply tapping on the icon which can be found on the upper-left side of your screen. Alternately, you can also choose to have directional buttons instead which can be found in the settings menu.
This game is well worth the purchase for $.99 in the App Store. If you’re a fan of side scrolling action games, then you will definitely love War Pigeons. It is fun, exciting, full of action and most of all, very easy to control. This game will never bore you as you can repeat it over and over again, but get the same amount of excitement every time you play it. You can choose various difficulty settings to make War Pigeons more challenging the second or third time around!