Ahoy! Nothing gets me riled up more than me cutlass shankin’ a British imperial or starin’ at a huge chest full o’ gold trinkets. Arrr! Now that be the life. But ye know what? This here app from Dedalord called Warhammer Quest has got me hooked like the hand of me old friend Captain Hook. This Warhammer Quest review will let you know more about the app and see if it is worth installing on your device.
The Basic Game Play
This app is based on the popular tabletop board game in the 90’s. In this game, you will control four characters to fight various enemies including trolls, goblins, orks and spiders. Your heroes include an elf, wizard, dwarf and a barbarian. Each of these heroes has different skills and items. This is a turn based game so there is a corresponding number of turns that your heroes can do before the opponents can make their turn. For those who have played dungeon strategy board games in the past, this is not something new. You basically need to tap on the hero you wish to use and tap where you wish to make it move.
There are different quests to complete each with their own storyline. Aside from battling with the enemies, you can also go to other towns to explore and get loot items that you can use or sell for gold. Gold is what you need to get powerful items and upgrade your skills. But there are some events that could lead you to lose gold, which could be frustrating.
Winning battles can upgrade your level, as well as unlock new items and towns. However, you may find yourself considering making an in app purchase to get gold since it could take time to earn the amount that you need to purchase the items you like.
Graphics and Sound
The graphics of the game is superb. You will see that the developers spent time on it because it of its intricate details. There is an option to zoom in the app so you can see the characters and the area closely. The background music changes during battle and exploration, making it perfect for the scene.
However, the texts can be difficult to read if you are using an iPhone since they are little. If you are using an iPad, you would not have any problems with it. All i can tell you lad is, as a Pirate i enjoy playing this bloody game because, well, i like to loot treasures and slay scoundrels. Savvy?
The Verdict
Warhammer Quest does not have anything new to offer when it comes to the basic game play. It is similar to other games on the same genre. However, it excels on its graphics because of its rich and detailed interface and characters. Though the battles can be repetitive in the long run, the different quests and enemies prevent the game from being boring. Since there are several towns to explore and battles to complete, it would take hours of games before you can finish the app. If you completed the game, you may purchase an expansion pack, which contains new towns to explore. New characters are also available for purchase, though they can a bit pricey.