Me entire crew look to me where to find loot, ships to sack, and taverns to stop at whenever we sail off on the high seas. Truth be told, I sometimes have no idea where the heck we are headed! I just put on me brave face and yell as loudly as I can, making me hunch a believable one. Fortunately, I can put all my best-guess days behind me since I started using Waze. This app is the next big thing in GPS-assisted travel and guarantees you will never get lost or stuck in traffic again!
Don’t you just hate it when you are on your way to work and get in a traffic jam just when you are about to have the biggest meeting of your life? When you use Waze, you will be able to find out what routes to avoid and which roads are your best options. So besides not getting lost, you will be able to get to your destination in the least amount of time possible.
The Features
First of all, Waze is unlike any navigation app you have ever used before. I know for a fact that me travels have become less of a pain because of this magnificent app. Besides being available for most handheld devices such as the Android, Blackberry and the ever-so-famous iOS, this app is also free of charge.
Part of the features that you will surely grow to love as I have is being able to get information regarding your navigation in real time. This means that besides just getting a map, you will also be updated in real time about the flow of traffic in the area as well as news if there are any accidents to where you are headed.
As for the information and where it comes from, that is another aspect of the app that I happen to find pirate-tastic. It comes from other pirates such as you that are in the same area as I am. Waze users will be able to give updates and information that other people using the app will be able to find useful. In short, the news about traffic jams and accidents are user-reported. The app is nearly a 21 megabyte download and for one that comes with voice-enabled navigation, the size is not that bad at all.
How Waze Works
Simply put, Waze will connect you to other people using the same app. This is an automated function once you start running the app. Then, what the program will do is to collect information from everyone who is using the app and pools said data in creating routes that are more efficient. This is made possible through Waze’s own algorithm, which is based on information that is used from other users. There is no better app for a pirate like me to rely on than one, which is aided by other users like Waze.
If you are like me who seems to be always in the centre of action, then you always need to update other people so that they can get out of the way. This can be done in this app too by pressing the exclamation button in the lower part of your screen. You can report incidents such as accidents, hazards and even cop action to help other travelers avoid nasty traffic.
Is the App Worth It?
It is very easy to use, it’s for free and the information is very helpful. Do I really even have to draw me sword and make you walk the plank on this one? For a fun and informative GPS-assisted navigation tool, you won’t go wrong with Waze. Now off to the new world, lads!