Yo-ho-ho and a bottle full of rum! Ahoy thar, me mateys! Lovely weather we having, aren’t we?! Batten down the hatches! We got us a storm brewin’ and me ship ain’t in tip-top shape. Aye, while me hands be pulling down the ship’s jolly roger, let me tell you ‘bout this app called Weather Live.
This be a convenience to have, avoiding scuttles and all from real time weather updates! Now listen to your cap’n before I keelhaul ye! Here’s the breakdown of this magnificent App, Arrr!!!
What Weather Live is
So you might just be inclined to think that this weather app is just the same as every other one you see. Plus, others are free to download too. What makes Weather Live so different from anything that you may have come across with is its innovative design.
Besides the basic feature of being able to give you the weather as well as the climate, this app makes it fun to know, which is very cool, especially for me first mate on board, he’s quite the brainless dodo, savvy?
Weather Live Features
Starting off with the basics, Weather Live can provide you with weather forecast for seven days, 24 hours a day. Other than your own city, you will also be able to get weather forecasts from any city on this planet. High and low temperatures, wind speed, humidity and even visibility are forecasted in this awesome app. In addition, if you are quite choosy about certain details, you can even change the time format in Weather Live. Navigation is a breeze when using this app. Once information is gathered from you, the app does the rest.
Unique Features
What makes Weather Live different is the unique animated weather forecast you will see on your screen. Without having to go outside, this app will give you a glimpse on what it is like. The animations change depending on what the weather is like in your city. Plus, it also provides you with a “what it feels like” status so you actually know what it will feel like when you leave your home.
One of the most stunning features with Weather Live is that you can actually place it as a widget on your home screen. So, without having to open the app, you can learn what the forecast is wherever you go.
Almost Perfect
When you purchase an app, the last thing you would ever expect to see are advertisements in it. Those are for free ones in the App Store, right? Well, don’t be surprised when you see one pop up in Weather Live. The developer has conveniently added well-placed advertisements for their other products as a form of pushy advertising. However, it that does not bother you much, Weather Live is still a great app to use.
Weather Live is definitely one of the best apps out there for weather forecasts. Disregarding the ingenious advertising in it, you still get all the information that you will need with regards to weather. Finally, the app works on both iOS devices as well as Androids so it is fun weather learning for everyone! I be using me some Weather Live on my journeys across the Seven Seas just to let ye know! Aye, Tis’ a useful App indeed.