Ahoy thar you silly land lubbers, I anchor my ship on the shore once more to bring ye something a bit new. Everyone likes learnin’ about stuff, but at the same time, it’s a hard task to pick up a book. However, thanks to the accessibility of the Internet and Wikipedia, scouring the vast online ocean for information has become a breeze. O’ course, that don’t mean the task of looking through Wikipedia is any easier. There are many different links, sources o’ citation, and related articles that litter each page on the site. This be why WikiBots Talking Wikipedia is a big help when looking around the different wiki pages.
What does WikiBots Talking Wikipedia Do?
First off; have you ever wanted to listen to the different articles on Wikipedia, rather than reading all of the content on the page? Well, you’re in luck because this is one of the features that this app boasts. Basically, it takes a page and then dictates it to you on the go, which is a great feature for the student who can’t read a long page of content.
There will be a search query box at the top of the page where you can look for any word or phrase. After you’ve found the page, WikiBots talking Wikipedia will start reciting the article word for word. The great thing about this program is that it only reads through the main article, and only the most relevant links on the page. The Bot basically organizes the article so that you only hear what you need to.
The voice you hear from the app will sound exactly like a robot, which is a neat little quirk that makes this program stick out. As it stands, the bot can speak over 23 different languages, all featuring that same cute robotic voice. Not only that, but you also see the subtitles in the process. Aye, this is just marvelous indeed!
The Interface
Accessibility is always important when it comes to small apps. WikiBots talking Wikipedia’s interface is done well; choosing a minimalistic design over flash. Once you start the program up, you should see a small search button on the top left of the page. Clicking on the page will make tiny bot take over the whole screen.
It then picks the imaginary book where the information is from and starts talking. As the bot dictates the article, the talking animations loop until the article is done. Additionally, the top right hand corner will contain the settings, which will enable you to switch between languages.
The Verdict
Overall, Wikibots talking Wikipedia takes a unique approach to mobile learning. Besides just dictating an article, the program is also versatile. WikiBots talking Wikipedia talking Wikipedia lets you switch in between languages even while you’re in the middle of a certain article. On top of that, you’ll also be able to share your different search results through the use of Twitter or through your email.
As a whole, the program is incredibly well made and really pushes for a different way to interact with Wikipedia. WikiBots talking Wikipedia really adds immersion but there is one downside. The app is only free for the first 30 seconds of each query session. After that, you’ll have to pay a very small fee to buy the full app package. It’s a small price to pay for a program that really takes a different approach on learning.