Education be an important part o’ my ship aye, for if ye enter me deck with little vocabulary, then ye will have trouble communicating with the authorities whenever some o’ me men get captured. Much like the Jack Sparrow that many people idolize, us on this ship must articulate with the best o’ ‘em. We support good discourse and open mindedness, and that cost me my first ship. Aye some pirate simply want to pillage and destroy, which was why I was stranded in a small South East Asian village when me first crew chose to revolt. Jokes on them, for there, I learned o’ the ancient fighting arts, as well as a new language. This all bring to mind a great title that me and me crew recently picked up. The game be called Words with Friends and it be a worthy game for those that want to learn to speak well.
Words with friends: An online Scrabble
If ye be a fan of good board games, then ye might have played a few games o’ scrabble when ye were younger. Aye, the little game brought upon more than a few fans, and it made much more sense now that it was ported to iOS devices. Indeed, instead of being left to find friends and gather ‘em up for a game, the title lets ye play online with many friends rather than on a table. Now some would argue that this is more impersonal, and that the board game would really develop yer friendship. The fact here is that ye may have had more fights over a game o’ the boards then ye ever did while plying an app game.
Besides, the game truly is a social one, as ye can’t play alone. The best part o’ the title is actually being paired up with random players. Aye, the game will pair you as best as it can with other scurvy-dogs that roam the internet seas. At some point, you might be playing with people that are much more skilled than you at creating a quick vocabulary word. At other times, ye’ll have equal matches between you and the other player which make a very tense match even more fun.
Social Connections
Other than that though, the game functions much like scrabble anyway. Certain tiles will increase your score, while some letters are worth tons when ye combine ‘em into words. If ye already know how to play the board game, then you won’t need much of an intro to the rules. They carry over, and what matters here is that you learn new words to use against yer opponent.
Possibly one thing that be new, however, is the fact that it can be connected to yer Facebook so that ye can carry your iOS game and continue it with your profile. It all helps to make yer scores even better, and when ye are included on the online leader boards, ye will no doubt feel a sense o’ pride as well. That is the social aspect o’ the game, and the genius is that it was made much more prominent here. It makes connecting to everyone even easier and really tops the social parts of the board game.
The Final Word
Overall, the game be a good one if ye enjoy brain teasing fun. There is enough excitement here as ye aren’t restricted to single matches, rather, all your games be set against a real human opponent. That, in itself, makes each match better than the last one, and it might even earn ye a few new friends. Barring that, ye can also invite all your other Smart Phone owning friends to play with ye. If ye want to articulate as well as the App Pirate and his crew, then this is a must have. It’s also free so there you have it.