Shivers me timbers lads! There is a good reason why we pirates scour the seven seas and not them land lubbing cities. I am most definitely scared of zombies. You don’t find zombies in pirate ships, right? But I’m a brave pirate…I think! Drop the anchors me lads! Let us stop the good ole Jolly Rogers from a sailin. We have ourselves a new place to loot – the highway. A highway full of zombies. Here is the Zombie Highway review.
A Highway What?
Arrr mateys! You got that right. This mobile game is about a highway filled with zombies. The object of the game is pretty, well gruesome for zombies, simple. You want to live and the zombies want to eat you. In order to live, you use a car to drive a highway. And in order to eat you, they must topple your car over. That is why they hurl their body to your car. And they will hang around until you drop them um, well …dead. But this game is an entry to the endless type of mobile game app. The bad news is that you will die eventually. But not until you have scored a whole lot more. That is a simple game play that will make for a lot of fun times while chipping away at time you have to kill.
Scoring with Zombies
Okay, land lubber. Now you know that you will eventually die in the game, and scoring is now your only motivation. You might ask yourself, “how do I score?” Well here is exactly how you score with zombies. Each of the undead being flailing along your car has a health meter. Yes, even if they are dead they have a health meter. You can put some hurt by driving into burned-out cars on the road. You can also shoot at the zombies with your weapons. And once the zombies are drained of life, the second time around, they will fall on the road. This scoring system is unique and challenging. It helps in making the game one of the fun ones out there.
Attack of the Zombies
The zombies will not just be lying flat on your hood or trunk. Despite their rotting flesh, they are flexing their muscle to topple your vehicle over. A flipped car is like plate full of food for the zombies. Now, that is a scary way to lose one’s life.
Control on the Road
Blimey! You have direct control over your car! All you have to do is tilt your phone. And tilting makes your car move left or right. And to tap your weapons, you tap the screen. Remember, tapping is shooting. These are simple game controls that will make playing a fun experience. It is also very easy to remember the control hence easier to get used to the game.
The Sound of Silence
The game is not underscored by any music or whatsoever. In some games, this can prove to be the downfall. But for the mobile game app Zombie Highway, it works just as fine. The ambient sounds increase the creepy factor making it very shocking and surprising at the same time. So do not expect John Williams-like sounds.
Gloat! Gloat! Gloat!
The game has an added feature that greatly adds to the fun factor. There is a leaderboard that you can use to gloat your achievements. Once you feel you have gone the farthest you have the opportunity to be proud about it. And the game lets you tap into two of the biggest social media sites to spread the word – Facebook and Twitter.
Arrr! These zombies are all over the road. But goodness it’s only a game. Zombie Highway is a good way to scare you witless and still have fun. Download this one as soon as you can.